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Achillea millefolium

Yarrow (Common)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig trocken und leicht kühl

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Description: It hath many long Leaves spread upon the ground and fine cut, and devided into many smal parts, Its Flowers are white but not all of a whiteness, and staied in Knots, upon diverse green Stalks which rise from amongst the Leaves.
Place: It is very frequent in all Pastures.
Time: It Flowers late even in the latter end of August.
Use: An Oyntment of them cures Wounds and is most fit for such as have Inflamations, it being an Herb of Dame Venus; It stops the Terms in Women being boyled in white Wine and the Decoction drunk, as also the Bloody Flux; the Oyntment of it is not only good for green Wounds, but also for Ulcers and Fistulaes, especially such as abound with moisture; It staies the shedding off of Hair, the Head being bathed with the Decoction of it; inwardly taken, it helps the retentive faculty of the Stomach, it helps the running of the Reins in men, and the whites in women, and helps such as cannot hold their water; and the Leaves chewed in the Mouth ease the Toothach; and these Vertues being put together shew the Herb to be drying and binding. Achilles is supposed to be the first that left the Vertues of this Herb to posterity, having learned them of his Master Chyron the Centaure, and certainly a very profitable Herb it is in the Camp, and perhaps therfore called Militaris.
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22.12.2024 J.N.