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| | | WOAD |
Isatis tinctoria
Woad (Common)
Planet: Saturn
Energie: sehr trocken und sehr kalt
| Stichworte: |
Blutungen |
Bleeding |
Milz |
Spleen |
Geschwüre |
Ulcers |
Entzüdungen |
Inflamations |
Antoniusfeuer (Ergotismus) |
St Anthonies fire |
Blutige Ausscheidungen |
defluxions of Blood |
| | | |
Description: |
It hath diverse large Leaves, long, and somwhat broad withal, like to those of the greater Plantane, but larger, thicker, of a greenish colour and somwhat blew withal: From among which Leaves riseth up a lusty Stalk three or four foot high, with diverse Leaves set thereon; The higher the Stalk riseth, the smaller are the Leaves, at the top it spreadeth into diverse Branches, at the ends of which appear pretty little yellow Flowers, and after they pass away like other Flowers of the Field, come Husks, long, and somwhat flat withal, in form they resemble a Tongue, in colour they are black, and they hang bobbing downwards. The Seed contained within these Husks (if it be a little chewed) gives an Azure colour. The Root is white and long. |
Place: |
It is sowed in Fields for the benefit of it, where those that sow it cut it three times a yeer. |
Time: |
It Flowreth in June, but is long after before the Seed is ripe. |
Use: |
Some People affirm the Plant to be destructive to Bees, which if it be I cannot help it: They say it possesseth Bees with a Flux, but that I can hardly beleeve, unless Bees be contrary to all other Creatures, I should rather think it possesseth them with the contrary Disease, the Herb being exceeding drying and binding. However, if any Bees be diseased thereby, the cure is to set Urine by them, but set it in such a Vessel that they cannot drown themselves, which may be remedied if you put pieces of Cork in it. I told you before the Herb was drying and binding, and so drying and binding that it is not fit to be given inwardly. An Oyntment made thereof stancheth Bleeding: A Plaister made thereof and applied to the Region of the Spleen (and I pray you take notice, that the Spleen lies on the left side) takes away the hardness and pains thereof: The Oyntment is excellent good in such Ulcers as abound with moisture, and takes away the corroding and fretting Humors: It cools Inflamations, quencheth St. Anthonies fire, and stayeth Defluxions of Blood to any part of the Body. |
Edgenote: |
Bleeding, Spleen, Ulcers, Inflamations, St Anthonies fire, defluxions of Blood. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |