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Färber-Resede, Färberwau
Reseda luteola
Planet: Mars
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken
| Stichworte: |
Phlegma |
Flegm |
Säfte |
Humors |
Tumore |
Tumors |
Giftige Tiere |
Venemous Beasts |
Seuchen |
Pestilence |
Würmer |
Worms |
| | | |
Description: |
The common kind groweth bushing with many Leaves, long, narrow, and flat upon the ground, of a dark, blewish, green colour, somwhat like unto Woad, but nothing so large, a little crumpled and as it were round pointed which do so abide the firt yeer: And the next Spring from among them rise diverse round Stalks two or three foot high, beset with many such like Leaves thereon, but smaller, and shooting forth some smal Branches, which with the Stalks carry many smal yellow Flowers in a long spiked Head at the tops of them where afterwards come the Seed, which is small and black inclosed in Heads that are devided at the tops into four parts. The Root is long, white, and thick, abiding the Winter: The whol Herb changeth to be yellow after it hath been in Flower a while. |
Place: |
It groweth every where by the way sides in moist grounds as well as dry, in Corners of Fields and by Lanes: and somtimes all over the Field; in Sussex and Kent they call it Greenweed. |
Time: |
It is in Flower about June. |
Use: |
Mathiolus saith, That the Root hereof cutteth tough Flegm, digesteth raw Flegm, thinneth gross Humors, dissolveth hard Tumors, and openeth Obstructions. Some do highly commend it against the bitings of Venemous Creatures, to be taken inwardly and applyed outwardly to the hurt place; as also for the Plague or Pestilence. The People in some Countries of this Land do use to bruise the Herb and lay it to Cuts or Wounds in the Hands or Legs to heal them. |
Edgenote: |
Flegm, Humors, Tumors, Venemous Beasts, Pestilence, Worms. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |