Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 WALL-FLOWERS, or WINTER GILLY-FLOWERS



Cheiranthus cheiri

Wall Flower (Common)

Planet:   Mond
Energie: neutral warm

Stauungen Obstructions
Leber Liver
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Nachgeburt Afterbirth
Totgeburt Dead Child
Milz Spleen
Schwäche Weakness
Ausrenkungen Disjuncture
Gicht Gout
Sehnen Sinews
Hirnschlag Apoplexy
Lähmungen Palsey

Description: The Garden kinds are so well known that they need no Description.
The common single Wall-Flowers which grow wild abroad, hath sundry smal long, narrow, and dark green Leaves, set without order upon smal round whitish woody Stalks which bear at the tops diverse single yellow Flowers one above another, every one having four Leaves apiece, and of a very sweet scent: after which come long Pods containing reddish Seed. The Root is white, hard and threddy.
Place: It groweth upon old Church Walls, and old Walls of many Houses, and on other stone Walls in diverse places. The other sorts in Gardens only.
Time: All the single kinds do Flower many times in the end of Autumn, and if the Winter be mild, all the Winter long, but especially in the Months of February, March, and April, and until the heat of the Spring do spend them: But the double kinds continue not Flowring in that manner all the yeer along, although they Flower very early somtimes, and in some places very late.
Use: Galen in his seventh Book of Simple Medicines saith, That the yellow Wall-flowers worketh more powerfully than any of the other kinds. and is therefore of more use in Physick; It clenseth the Blood and freeth the Liver and Reins from Obstructions, provoketh Womens Courses, expelleth the Secondine and dead Child, helpeth the hardness and pains of the Mother, and of the Spleen also, stayeth Inflamations and Swellings, comforteth and strengthneth any weak part, or out of Joynt: helpeth to clense the Eyes from mistiness and Films on them, and to clense foul and filthy Ulcers in the Mouth or any other part, and is a singular Remedy for the Gout, and all Aches and Pains in the Joynts and Sinews. A Conserve made of the Flowers is used for a Remedy both for the Apoplexie and Palsey.
Edgenote: Obstructions, Liver, Terms provokes, Afterbirth, Dead Child, Spleen, Weakness, Disjuncture, Gout, Sinews, Apoplexy, Palsey.

22.12.2024 J.N.