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VIPERS BUGLOSS | |||||||||||||||||||||||
WaserfederHottonia palustrisViolet (Water)Planet: Sonne
Stichworte: |
Description: | This hath many long rough Leaves lying on the ground, from among which rise up diverse hard round Stalks, very rough, as if they were thick set wth prickles or hairs, wherein are set such like long rough hairy or prickly sad green Leavs, somwhat narrow; the middle Rib for the most part being white. The Flowers stand at the tops of the Stalks, branched forth into many long spiked Leaves of Flowers, bowing or turning like the Turnsole, all of them opening for the most part on the one side, which are long and hollow, turning up the Brims a little, of a Purplish Violet colour in them that are fully blown, but more reddish while they are in the Bud, as also upon their decay and withering; but in some places of a paler purple colour, with a long pointel in the middle, feathered or parted at the top: After the Flowers are fallen the Seeds growing to be ripe, are blackish, cornered and pointed somwhat like unto the Head of a Viper. The Root is somwhat great and blackish, and woolly, when it groweth toward Seed time; and perisheth in the Winter. There is another sort little differing from the former, only in that it beareth white Flowers. |
Place: | The first groweth wild almost every where. That with white Flowers, about the Castle Walls of Lewes in Sussex. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They Flower in Summer, and their Seed is ripe quickly after. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | It is an especial Remedy against the biting of the Viper, and of all other Venemous Beasts or Serpents, as also against poyson and poysonful Herbs. Dioscorides and others say, That whosoever shall take of the Herb or Root before they be bitten, shall not be hurt by the poyson of any Serpent. The Roots or Seeds are thought to be most effectual to comfort the heart, and expel Sadness, or cause less Melancholly, it tempers the Blood, and allayeth the hot Fits of Agues: The Seed drunk in Wine procureth abundance of Milk in Womens Brests. The same also being taken easeth the pains in the Loyns, Back, and Kidneys: The distilled Water of the Herb when it is in Flower, or his chiefest strength, is excellent to be applied either inwardly or outwardly for all the Griefs aforesaid. There is a Syrup made hereof very effectual for the comforting of the Heart, and expelling Sadness and Melancholly. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Edgenote: | Venemous Beasts, Poyson, Heart, Sadness, Melancholly, Agues, Milk, Loyns, Back, Kidneys. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |