Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 VIOLETS


Duftveilchen, Märzveilchen

Viola odorata


Planet:   Venus
Energie: leicht kühl und leicht feucht

Entzüdungen Inflamations
Augen Eyes
Unterleib Womb
Kopfschmerz Head-ach
Augen Watching
Galle Choller
Peritonsillarabszess Quinsie
Epilepsie Falling-sickness
Schwellungen Swellings
Rippenfellentzündung Pleuresie
Phlegma Flegm
Heiserkeit Hoarseness
Hals Throat
Rücken Back
Nieren - Lenden Reins
Blase Bladder
Durst Thirst
Herz Heart

Description: These, both Tame and Wild, are so well known that they need no Description.
Place: -
Time: They Flower until the end of July, but are best in March and the beginning of April.
Use: All the Violets are cold and moist while they are fresh and green, and are used to cool any heat or distemperature of the Body, either inwardly or outwardly, as inflamations in the Eyes, in the Matix or Fundament, in Impostumes, also and hot Swellings, to drink the Decoction of the Leaves or Flowers made with Water or Wine, or to apply them Pultis wise to the grieved place, it likewise easeth pains in the Head, caused through want of sleep; or in any place arising of heat, being applied in the same manner, or with Oyl of Roses. A dram weight of the dried Leaves of the Flowers of Violets (but the Leaves more strongly) doth purge the Body of Chollerick Humors, and asswageth the heat being taken in a draught of Wine or any other Drink: The Pouder of the purple Leaves of the Flowers only pick'd and dried, and drunk in Water is said to help the Quinsie, and the Falling-sickness in Children, especially in the beginning of the Disease. The Flowers of the White Violets ripeneth and dissolveth Swellings. The Herb or Flowers while they are fresh, or the Flowers when they are dry, are effectual in the Plurisie, and all Diseases of Lungs, to lenefie the sharpness of hot Rhewms, and the Hoarsness of the Throat, the heat also, and sharpness of Urine, and all pains of the Back, or Reins and the Bladder: It is good also for the Liver and the Jaundice, and in al hot Agues to cool the Heat and quench the Thirst: But the Syrup of Violets is of most use and of better effect, being taken in some convenient Liquor; and if a little of the Juyce or Syrup of Lemmons be put to it, or a few drops of the Oyl of Vitriol, it is made thereby the more powerful to cool the heat and to quench the Thirst, and giveth to the drink a Clarret Wine colour, and a fine tart rellish, pleasing the tast. Violets taken, or made up with Honey doth more clense than cool, and with Sugar contrary-wise. The dryed Flowers of Violets are accounted among the Cordial Drinks, Pouders, and other Medicines especially where cooling Cordials are necessary:
The green Leaves are used with other Herbs, to make Plaisters and Pultisces for Inflamations and Swellings, and to ease pains wheresoever, arising of heat, and for the Piles also, being fried with Yolks of Eggs and applied therto.
Tansies or Heartsease are like unto Violets in all their operations but somwhat hotter and dryer, yet very temperate, and by viscuous Juyce therein doth somwhat mollifie, yet less than Mallows: It is conducing in like manner as Violets to the hot Diseases of the Chest and Lungs: for Agues, Convulsions, and Falling-sickness in Children. The Decoction helpeth Itch and Scabs being bathed therwith: It is said also to soder green Wounds, and to help old Sores, the Juyce or distilled Water thereof being drunk.
Edgenote: Inflamations, Eyes, Womb, Head-ach, Watching, Choller, Quinsie, Falling-sickness, Swellings, Pleuresie, Flegm, Hoarseness, Throat, Back, Reins, Bladder, Thirst, Heart.

22.12.2024 J.N.