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Echtes Eisenkraut

Verbena officinalis

Vervain (Common)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: neutral warm und mässig trocken

Stauungen Obstructions
Reinigend Clensing
Heilend Healing
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Seuchen Pestilence
Wechselfieber Agues
Würmer Worms
Husten Cough
Kurzatmigkeit shortness of Breath
Keuchen Wheesing
Steine Stone
Griess im Urin Gravel
Nieren - Lenden Reins
Blase Bladder

Description: The common Vervain, hath somwhat long and broad Leaves next the ground deeply gash'd about the edges and some only deeply dented or cut all alike, of a blackish green colour on the upper side, and somwhat gray underneath: The Stalk is square branched into several parts, rising about two foot high, especially if you reckon the long spike of Flowers at the tops of them, which are set on all sides one above another, and somtimes two or three together, being small and gaping, of a Purplish blew colour, and white intermixt; after which come small round Seed in small and somwhat long Heads: The Root is small and long, but of no use.
Place: It groweth generally throughout this Land in diverse places by the Hedges and way sides, and other wast grounds.
Time: It Flowreth about July, and the Seed is ripe soon after.
Use: Vervain is hot and dry, bitter, opening Obstructions, clensing, and healing, It helpeth the yellow Jaundice, the Dropsie, and the Gout, the defects of the Reins and Lungs, and generally, all inward pains and torments of the Body, the Leaves being boyled and drunk; The same is held to be good against the bitings of Serpents, and other Venemous Beasts; and against the Plague, and both Tertian and Quartane Agues, killeth and expelleth Worms in the Belly, and causeth a good colour in the Face and Body, strengthneth as well as correcteth the Diseases of the Liver and Spleen, is very effectual in all Diseases of the Stomach and Lungs, as Coughs, shortness of Breath and Wheesings, and is singular good against the Dropsie, to be drunk with some Peony Seeds, bruised and put thereto; and is no less prevalent for the defects of the Reins and Bladder, to clense them of those Humors that ingender the Stone, and helpeth to break the Stone and to expel Gravel:
It consolidateth and healeth also all Wounds both inward and outward, and stayeth bleedings, and used with some Honey healeth all old Ulcers and Fistulaes in the Legs or other parts of the Body, as also those Ulcers that happen in the Mouth; or used with old Hogs grease it helpeth the Swellings and pains of the secret parts in man or Woman, as also for the Piles and Hemorrhoids: Applied with some Oyl of Roses and Vinegar unto the Forehead and Temples, it easeth the inveterate pains and ach of the Head, and is good for those that are Frenetick. The Leaves bruised, or the Juyce of them mixed with some Vinegar doth wonderfully clense the Skin, and taketh away Morphew, Freckles, Pustulaes, and other such like Inflamations and deformities of the Skin in any part of the Body. The distilled water of the Herb when it is in his full strength, dropped into the Eyes, clenseth them from Films, Clouds, or mists that darken the sight, and wonderfully strengtheneth the Optick Nerves; The said Water is very powerful in all the Diseases aforesaid either inward or outward, whether they be old corroding Sores, or green Wounds.
This also is an Herb of Venus, and an excellent Herb for the Womb, to strengthen it and remedy all the cold griefs of it, as Plantane doth the hot, the Herb bruised and hung about the Neck helps the Headach.
Edgenote: Obstructions, Clensing, Healing, Yellow Jaundice, Venemous Beasts, Pestilence, Agues, Worms, Cough, shortness of Breath, Wheesing, Stone, Gravel, Reins, Bladder.

22.12.2024 J.N.