Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 TUTSAN, or PARK LEAVES


Blutjohanniskraut, Schmuck-Johanniskraut

Hypericum androsaemum


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl

Galle Choller
Ischias Sciatica
Gicht Gout
Verbrennungen Burning
Blutungen Bleeding
Wunden Wounds
Geschwüre Ulcers

Description: This hath many brownish shining round Stalks, crested all the length thereof, rising to be two and somtimes three foot high, branching forth even from the bottom, having diverse Joynts, and at each of them two fair large Leaves standing, of a dark blewish green colour on the upper side, and of a yellowish green underneath, turning reddish towards Autumn, but abiding on the Branches all the Winter: At the tops of the Stalks and Branches stand large yellow Flowers, and Heads with Seed, which being greenish at the first, and afterwards reddish, turn to be of a blackish purple colour when they are through ripe, with smal brownish Seed within them, and then yield a reddish Juyce or Liquor, of a reasonable good scent, somwhat resinous, and of an harsh or stiptich tast, as the Leaves also and the Flowers be, although much less, but do not yield such a cleer Claret Wine Liquor as some say it doth: The Root is brownish, somwhat great, hard, and woody, spreading well in the ground.
Place: It groweth in many Woods, Groves, and Woody Grounds, as Parks and Forrests, and by Hedg sides in many places of this Land, as in Hampsted Wood, by Ratley in Essex, in the Wild of Kent, and in many other places needless to recite.
Time: It Flowreth later than St. Johns, or St. Peters wort.
Use: Tutsan purgeth Chollerick Humors as St. Peters-wort is said to do, for therein it worketh the same effects, both to help the Sciatica and Gout, and to heal burnings by fire: It stayeth also the bleeding of Wounds, if either the green Herb be bruised, or the pouder of the dry be applied thereto. It hath been accounted and certainly is a Soveraign Herb to heal any Wound or Sore either outwardly or inwardly, and therfore alwaies used in Drinks, Lotions, Balms, Oyls, Oyntments for any sort of green Wound, or old Ulcers and Sores, in all which the continual experience of former Ages hath confirmed the use thereof to be admirable good, though it be not so much in use now as when Physitians and Chirurgeons were so wise as to use Herbs more than now they do.
It is an Herb of Saturn and a most noble Antivererian.
Edgenote: Choller, Sciatica, Gout, Burning, Bleeding, Wounds, Ulcers.

22.12.2024 J.N.