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MEADOW TREFOYL, or HONEYSUCKLES | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rot-Klee, Weiss-KleeTrifolium repens, Trifolium pratenseTrefoilPlanet: Merkur
Stichworte: |
Description: | These are so well known, especially by the name of Honeysuckles, White and Red, that I need not describe them. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | They grow almost everywhere in this Land. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Dodoneus saith, The Leaves and Flowers are good to ease the griping pains of the Guts, the Herb being boyled and used in a Clyster: If the Herb be made into a Pultis and applied to Inflamations, it will ease them. The Juyce dropped into the Eyes is a familier Medicine with many Country people to take away the Pin and Web (as they call it) in the Eyes, it also allayeth the Heat and bloodshooting of them: Country people do also in many places drink the Juyce hereof against the biting of an Adder, and having boyled the Herb in water, they first wash the place with the Decoction, and then lay some of the Herb also to the hurt place. The Herb also bruised and heated between two Tiles, and applied hot to the share, causeth them to make water who had it stop'd before: It is held likewise to be good for Wounds, and to take away Scars. The Decoction of the Herb and Flowers with the Seed and Root taken for some time, helpeth Women that are troubled with the Whites. The Seed and Flowers boyled in Water, and after made into a Pultis with some Oyl and applied, helpeth hard Swellings and Impostumes. Of Trefoyl or three leaved Gras, there are very many sorts described by Authors, but one I have found out which I never red of, the Leaf is but small and it beareth a small yellow Flower, in the midst of each Leaf of the Herb, is a perfect picture of a Heart in red colour, it grows plentifully in a Field between Longford and Bow; also I found one Root in the High-way between Chadwel and Rumford in Essex, as also another in the High-way between Horn-Church and Upminster in the same County, the tast is somthing more hot and spicy than the tast of the rest is. |
Edgenote: | Belly-ach, Inflamations, Pin & Web, Eyes, Venemous Beast. Disury, Wounds, Scars, Whites, Swellings, Apostums. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |