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Europäische Sonnenwende

Heliotropium europaeum


Planet:   Sonne
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Galle Choller
Phlegma Flegm
Steine Stons
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Gicht Gout
Warzen Warts
Zysten Wens
Ausrenkungen Disjunctures

Description: The greater Turnsole riseth up with one upright Stalk about a foot high or more, deviding it self almost from the bottom into diverse smaller Branches of a hoary colour: at each Joynt of the Stalk and Branches grow two smal broad Leaves somwhat white or hoary also: At the tops of the Stalks and Branches stand many small white Flowers consisting of four and somtimes five very small Leaves, set in order one about another, upon a smal crooked spike which turneth inwards like a bowed finger, opening by degrees as the Flowers blow open; after which in their places come smal corner'd Seed, four for the most part standing together. The Root is smal and threddy perishing every yeer, and the Seed shedding every yeer, raiseth it again the next Spring.
Place: It groweth in Gardens, and Flowreth and Seedeth with us in England, notwithstanding it is not natural to this Land, but to Italy, Spain, and France, where it groweth plentifully.
Time: -
Use: Dioscorides saith, That a good Handful of this, which is called the greater Turnsole, boyled in Water and drunk, purgeth both Choller and Flegm: And boyled with Cummin and drunk, helpeth the Stone in the Reins, Kidneys, or Bladder, provoketh Urine and Womens Courses, and causeth an easie and speedy delivery in Childbirth. The Leaves bruised and applied to places pained with the Gout, or that have been out of joynt and newly set are full of pain, do give much ease. The Seed, and the Juyce of the Leaves also being rubbed with a little Salt upon Warts, Wens, and other hard Kernels in the Face, Eyelids, or any other part of the Body, will by often using take them away.
'Tis an Herb of the Sun, and a good one too.
Edgenote: Choller, Flegm, Stons, Disury, Terms provokes, Gout, Warts, Wens, Disjunctures.

22.12.2024 J.N.