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Acker-Hasenohr, Rundblättriges Hasenohr

Bupleurum rotundifolium

Thorough-Wax (Common)

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl

Blutergüsse Bruises
Wunden Wounds
Geschwüre Ulcers
Zerrungen Ruptures
Nabelbruch Navils sticking out

Description: The common Throughwax sendeth forth one straight round Stalk, and somtimes more, two foot high and better, whose lower Leaves being of a blewish green colour are smaller and narrower than those up higher, and stand close thereto, not compassing it; but as they grow higher, they do more and more encompass the Stalk, until it wholly (as it were) pass through them, branching toward the top into many parts, where the Leaves grow smaller again, every one standing singly, and never two at any Joynt: The Flowers are very smal and yellow, standing in tufts at the heads of the Branches, where afterwards grow the Seed, smal and blackish, many thick thrust together: The Root is smal, long, and woody, perishing every yeer after Seed time, and rising again plentifully of its own sowing.
Place: It is found growing in many Corn Fields, and Pasture grounds in this Land.
Time: It Flowreth in July, and the Seed is ripe in August.
Use: Thoroughwax is of a singular good use, for all sorts of Bruises and Wounds either inward or outward, and old Ulcers and Sores likewise, if the Decoction of the Herb with water or Wine be drunk, and the places washed therwith, or the Juyce or green Herb bruised or boyled either by it self, or with other Herbs in Oyl or Hogs Grease, to be made into an Oyntment to serve all the yeer:

The Decoction of the Herb, or the Pouder of the dried Herb taken inwardly, and the same or the green Leaves bruised and applied outwardly, is singular good to cure Ruptures and Burstings, especially in Children, before it be two old. Being also applied with a little Flower and Wax to Childrens Navils that stick forth it helpeth them.
Edgenote: Bruises, Wounds, Ulcers, Ruptures, Navils sticking out.

22.12.2024 J.N.