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Schwarzdorn, Schlehe
Prunus spinosa
Black thorn
Planet: Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl
| Stichworte: |
Zusammenziehend |
Binds |
Kühlt |
cools |
Trocknet Blutungen |
dries Bleeding |
Ausfluss |
Flux |
Blutiger Ausfluss |
Bloody Flux |
Nagendes Gefühl in Darm und Magen |
grawings in bowels and stomach |
Entzündungen in Mund und Hals |
Sore Mouth & Throat |
Kopfschmerz |
Headach |
| | | |
Description: |
This is so well knowne, that it needeth no description. |
Place: |
It groweth in every place and Countrey, in the hedges and borders of fields. |
Time: |
It flowreth in Aprill, and sometimes in March, but ripeneth the fruit after all other plums whatsoever, and is not fit to be eaten until the Autumne frost have mellowed it. |
Use: |
All the parts of the Sloe-Bush are binding, cooling, and drying, and all effectuall to stay bleeding at the nose and mouth, or any other place; the Lask of the belly, or stomach, or the Bloody Flux, the two much abounding of womens Courses, and helpeth to ease the paines in the sides, bowels, and guts, that come by over-much scowring, to drink the decoction of the barke of the roots, or more usually the decoction of the Berries either fresh or dried. The Conserve is also of very much use, and most familiarly taken for the purposes aforesaid: But the distilled water of the Flowers first steeped in Sack for a night, and drawne there from by the heat of Balneum Angliceabaths, is a most certaine remedy tried and approved to ease all manner of gnawings in the stomach, the sides and bowels, or any griping pains in any of them, to drink a smal quantity when the extremety of pain is upon them: The Leaves also are good to make Lotions, to gargle and wash the Mouth and Throat, wherein are Swellings, Sores, or Kernels and to stay the Defluxions of Rhewm to the Eyes or other parts, as also to cool the heat and Inflamations in them, and to ease hot pains of the Head, to bath the Forehead and Temples therewith. The simple distilled water of the Flowers is very effectual for the said purposes, and is the condensate Juyce of the Sloes. The distilled water of the green Berries is used also for the said effects. |
Edgenote: |
Binds, cools, dries Bleeding, Flux, Bloody Flux, grawings in bowels and stomach, Sore Mouth & Throat, Headach. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |