Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 METHRIDATE MUSTARD


Feld-Kresse, Bauern-kresse

Lepidium campestre (Thlaspi vulgare, Thlaspi campestre)


Planet:   Mars
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

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Description: This groweth higher then the former, spreading more and longer branches, whose leaves are smaller and narrower, sometimes unevenly dented about the edges; the Flowers are smal and white, growing on long branches, with much smaller and rounder seed vessels after them, and parted in the same manner, having smaller browne seeds then the former, and much sharper in taste: The root perisheth after seed time, but abideth the first winter after the springing.
Place: They grow in sundry places of this Land, as halfe a mile from Hatfield by the river side under a hedge as you go to Hatfield, and in the street of Peckham on Surry side.
Time: They flowre and seed from May to August.
Use: These Mustards are said to purge the body both upwards and downwards, and procureth Womens Courses so abundantly, that it suffocateth the birth: It breaketh inward Imposthumes being taken inwardly, and used in Glisters, helpeth the Sciatica, and seed applied outwardly doth the same. It is an especiall ingredient unto Methridate and Treacle, being of it selfe an Antidote resisting poyson, venome, and putrefaction: It is also availeable in many causes for which the common Mustard is used, but somwhat weaker.
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22.12.2024 J.N.