Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 THE FULLERS THISTLE, or TEASEL


Wilde Karde

Dipsacus fullonum

Teasel (Manured)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: neutral kühl und leicht feucht

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Description: This is so well known that it needeth no Description, being used by the Cloath-workers.
The wild Teasel is in all things like the former but that the prickles are smal, soft, and upright, not hooked or stiff; and the Flowers of this are of fine blush or pale Carnation colour, but of the Manured kind whitish.
Place: The first groweth being sown in Gardens or Fields for the use of Cloathworkers: The other neer Ditches and Cills of water in many places of this Land.
Time: They Flower in July, and are ripe in the end of August.
Use: Dioscorides saith, That the Root bruised and boyled in Wine until it be thick, and kept in a brazen Vessel or Pot, ond after spread as a Salve and applied to the Fundament, doth heal the clefts thereof, as also Cankers and Fistulaes therein, as also taketh away Warts and Wens: The Juyce of the Leaves dropped into the Ears, killeth Worms in them. The distilled water of the Leaves dropped into the Eyes, taketh away redness and mists in them that hinder the sight; and is often used by women to preserve their beauty, and to take away redness and Inflamations, and all other heat or discolourings.
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22.12.2024 J.N.