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Carduus marianus, silybum marianum

Thistle (Lady's)

Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Wechselfieber Agues
Pest Plague
Stauungen Obstructions
Leber Liver
Milz Spleen
Steine Stone
Wassersucht Dropsie
Seitenstechen Stitches in the side
Leber Liver
Blut Blood

Description: This hath diverse very large and broad Leaves lying on the ground, cut in, and as it were crumpled, but somwhat hairy on the edges, of a white green shining colour, wherein are many lines and strakes of a milky white colour, running all over, and set with many sharp and stiff prickles all about; Among which riseth up one or more strong, round, and prickly stalks, set full of the like Leaves up to the top, where at the end of every Branch, cometh forth a great prickly Thistle like head, strongly armed with pricks, and with bright purple Thrums rising out of the middle of them; after they are past, the Seed groweth in the said heads, lying in a great deal of soft white Down, which is somwhat flattish and shining, large and brown. The Root is great, spreading in the ground, with many strings, and smal fibres fastned thereto. All the whol Plant is bitter in tast.
Place: It frequent on the Bank of almost every Ditch.
Time: If Flowreth and Seedeth in June, July, and August.
Use: Our Ladies Thistle is thought to be as effectual as Carduus Benedictus for Agues, and to prevent and cure infection of the Plague, as also to open Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, and thereby is good against the Jaundice; It provoketh Urine, breaketh and expelleth the Stone, and is good for the Dropsie: It is effectual also for the pains in the sides and many other inward pains and gripings: The Seed and distilled water are held powerful to all the purposes aforesaid; and besides, it is often applied both inwardly to drink, and outwardly with Cloathes or Spunges to the Region of the Liver to cool the distemperature thereof, and to the Region of the Heart, against swounings and passions of it.
It clenseth the blood exceedingly, and in Spring if you please to boyl the tender Plant, (but cut off the Prickles, unless you have a mind to choak your self) it will change your blood as the season changes, and that's the way to be safe, as to change as the times change is the way to live secure, and that Flatterers and Weather-cocks know wel enough.
Edgenote: Agues, Plague, Obstructions, Liver, Spleen, Stone, Dropsie, Stitches in the side, Liver, Blood.

22.12.2024 J.N.