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Cirsium heterophyllum (Cirsium helenioides, Carduus heterophyllus)Cirsium helenioidesMelancholy ThistlePlanet: Saturn, Mars / Steinbock
Stichworte: |
Description: | This riseth up with a tender single hoary green Stalk, bearing thereon four or five long hoary green Leaves, dented about the edges, the points whereof are little or nothing prickly, and at the top usually but one Head, yet somtimes from the bosom of the upper most Leaf there shooteth forth another smaller Head, scaly and somwhat prickly; with many reddish Purple Thrums or Threds in the middle, which being gathered fresh will keep the colour a long time, and fadeth not from the Stalk in a long time, while it perfecteth the Seed, which is of a mean bigness lying in the Down: The Root hath many long Strings fastned to the Head, or upper part, which is blackish and perisheth not. There is another sort little differing from the former, but that the Leaves are more green above and more hoary underneath; and the Stalk being about two foot high beareth but one large scaly Head, with threds and Seeds as the former. |
Place: | They grow in many moist Meadows of this Land, as well in these Southern, as in the Northern parts. | ||||
Time: | They Flower about July, or August, and their Seed ripeneth quickly after. | ||||
Use: | Their Vertues are but a few, but those not to be despised, for the Decoction of the Thistles in Wine being drunk, expels superfluous Melancholly out of the Body, and make a man as merry as a Cricket, superfluous Melancholly causeth care, fear, sadness, despair, envy, and many evils more besides, but Religion, teacheth to wait upon Gods Providence, and cast our care upon Him, who careth for us; what a fine thing were it if men and women could live so? and yet seven yeers care and fear makes a man never the wiser, nor a farthing the richer. Dioscorides saith, the Root born about one doth the like, and removes all diseases of Melancholly. Modern Writers laugh at him, let them laugh that wins, my Opionin is, that 'tis the best Remedy against all Melancholly Diseases that grow, they that please may use it: 'tis under Capricorn, and therefore under both Saturn and Mars, one rids Melancholly by Sympathy, the other by Antipathy. | ||||
Edgenote: | Melancholly. | ||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |