Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 WILD TANSIE, or SILVERWEED



Potentilla anserina

Tansy (Common)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und sehr trocken

Ausfluss Flux
Stoppt die Menstruation Terms stops
Spucken und Erbrechen von Blut Spitting Vomiting of Blood
Weissfluss Whites
Zerrungen Ruptures
Bauchschmerzen Belly-ach
Ischias Sciatica
Gelenke Joynts
Zahnschmerzen toothach
Lockere Zähne Loos teeth
Zahnfleisch Gums
Geschwüre im Mund Ulcers in the Mouth
Wunden wounds
Entzündet Beine Sore Legs
Pickel pimples
Sommersprossen Freckles
Sonnenbrand Sunburning

Description: This also is so well known that it needeth no Description.
Place: It groweth almost in every place.
Time: It Flowreth in June and July.
Use: Wild Tansie stayeth the Lask, and all Fluxes of Blood in men or women, which some say it will do if the green Herb be worn in the Shoos, so it be next the Skin, and 'tis true enough that 'twil stop the Terms if worn so, and the Whites too for ought I know. It stayeth also spitting or Vomiting of Blood. The Pouder of the dried Herb taken in some of the distilled Water helpeth the Whites in women, but more especially if a little Coral and Ivory in Pouder be put to it: It is also much commended to help Children that are bursten and have a Rupture being boyled in Water and Salt. Being boyled in Wine and drunk , it easeth the griping pains of the Bowels, and is good for the Sciatica and Joynt Aches. The same boyled in Vinegar with Honey and Allum, and gargled in the Mouth, easeth the pains of the Toothach, fastneth loose Teeth, helpeth the Gums that are sore, and setleth the pallat of the Mouth in its place when it is fallen down: It clenseth and healeth the Ulcers in the Mouth or secret parts, and is very good for inward Wounds, and to close the lips of green Wounds; as also to heal old, moist, corrupt running Sores in the Legs or elswhere: Being bruised and applied to the Soles of the Feet, and the Hand-wrests, it wonderfully cooleth the hot fits of Agues, be they never so violent. The distilled water clenseth the skin of all disclourings therein, as Morphew, Sunburnings &c. as also Pimples, Freckles, and the like; and dropped into the Eyes or cloaths wet therein and applied, taketh away the heat, and Inflamations in them.
Now Dame Venus hath fitted women with two Herbs of one name, one to help Conception, the other to maintain beauty, and what more can be expected of her? What now remains for you but to love your Husbands, and not to be wanting to your poor Neighbors.
Edgenote: Flux, Terms stops, Spitting Vomiting of Blood, Whites, Ruptures, Belly-ach, Sciatica, Joynts, toothach, Loos teeth, Gums, Ulcers in the Mouth, wounds, Sore Legs, pimples, Freckles, Sunburning.

22.12.2024 J.N.