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Tamarix gallica

Tamarisk Tree

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Milz Spleen
Hämorrhoiden Hemorrhoids
Spucken von Blut spitting Blood
Menstruation womens Courses
Gelbsucht und Kolik Jaundice & Chollick
Giftige Schlangen Venemous Serpents
Zahnschmerzen Toothach
Ohrschmerzen Pain in the Ears
wässrige Augen watering Eyes
Gangrän und Geschwüre Gangrenes & Ulcers
Nissen und Läuse Nits & Lice
Milz Spleen
Verbrennungen und Verbrühungen Burning & Scalding
Syphilis French Pox
Lepra und Krätze Lepry & Scabs
Wassersucht Dropsie
Melancholie Melancholly
Melasikterus Black Jaundice

Description: This is so well known in the places where it grows that it needeth no Description.
Place: -
Time: It Flowreth about the end of May, or in June, and the Seed is ripe and blown away in the beginning of September.
Use: If the Root, Leaves, or yong Branches be boyled in Wine or Vinegar and drunk, and applied outwardly, it is very powerful against the hardness of the spleen. The Leaves boyled in Wine and drunk is good to stay the bleeding of the Hemorrhoidal Veins, the spitting of Blood, and Womens too abounding Courses, and helpeth the Jaundice, the Chollick, and the bitings of all Venemous Serpents, except the Asp. The Bark is as effectual if not more to all the purposes aforesaid, and both it and the Leaves boyled in Wine, and the Mouth and Teeth washed therewith helpeth the Toothach; being dropped into the Ears easeth the pains, and is good for the redness and watering of the Eyes. The said Decoction with some Honey put thereto is good to stay Gangrenes and fretting Ulcers, and to wash those that are subject to Nits and Lice. The Wood is very effectual to consume the Spleen, and therefore to drink out of Cups and Cans made thereof is good for Splenetick persons. The Ashes of the Wood are used for all the purposes aforesaid, and besides doth quickly help the Blisters raised by Burnings or Scaldings, by fire or water. Alpinus and Veslingius do affirm, That the Aegyptians do with as good success use the Wood hereof to cure the French Disease, as others do Lignum Vite, or Gujacum; and give it also to such as are possessed with Lepry, Scabs, Pushes, Ulcers, or the like, and is available also to help the Dropsie, arising from the hardness and Obstruction of the Spleen, as also for Melancholly, and the black Jaundice that ariseth thereof.
Edgenote: Spleen, Hemorrhoids, spitting Blood, womens Courses, Jaundice & Chollick, Venemous Serpents. Toothach, Pain in the Ears, watering Eyes, Gangrenes & Ulcers, Nits & Lice, Spleen, Burning & Scalding, French Pox, Lepry & Scabs, Dropsie, Melancholly, Black Jaundice.

22.12.2024 J.N.