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ENGLISH TOBACCO | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Virginischer TabakNicotiana tabacumTobaccoPlanet: Mars
Stichworte: |
Description: | This riseth up with a thick round Stalk about two foot high, whereon do grow thick fat green leaves, nothing so large as the other Indian kinds, somwhat round pointed also, and nothing dented about the edges: The Stalk brancheth forth, and beareth at the tops diverse Flowers set in green Husks, like the other but nothing so large, scarce standing above the Brims of the Husks, round pointed also, and of a greenish yellow colour. The Seed that followeth is not so bright, but larger, contained in the like great Heads. The Roots are neither so great, nor woody, and perishing every yeer with the hard Frosts in Winter, but riseth generally of its own sowing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | This came from some parts of Brassile as is thought, and is more familier to our Country, than any of the other sorts, early giving ripe Seed, which the others seldom do. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth from June somtimes to the end of August, or later, and the Seed ripeneth in the mean time. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | It is found by good experience to be available to expectorate tough Flegm from the Stomach, Chest, and Lungs: The Juyce thereof made into a Syrup, or the distilled water of the Herb drunk with some Sugar, or without if you will: Or the smoke taken by a Pipe as is usual, but fasting. The same helpeth to expel Worms in the Stomach and Belly, and to ease the pains in the Head or Meagrim, and the griping pains in the Bowels: It is profitable for those that are troubled with the Stone in the Kidneys, both to ease pains and by provoking Urine to expel Gravel and the Stone ingendred therein, and hath been found very effectual to expel windiness and other Humors which cause the strangling of the Mother: The Seed hereof is very effectual to help the Toothach, and the Ashes of the burnt Herb, to clense the Gums, and make the Teeth white. The Herb bruised and applied to the place grieved with the Kings Evil (as they call it) helpeth it in nine or ten daies effectually: Monardus saith it is a Counter-poyson for the biting of any Venemous Creature; the Herb also being outwardly applied to the hurt place: The distilled water is often given with some Sugar before the Fit of an Ague to lessen them, and take them away in three or four times using. If the Distilled fieces of the Herb having been bruised before the Distillation, and not distilled dry be set in warm dung for fourteen daies, and afterwards hung up in a Bag in a Wine Celler; that liquor that distilleth therefrom is singular good to use for Cramps, Aches, the Gout, and Sciatica, and to heal Itches, Scabs, and running Ulcer, Cankers, and foul Sores whatsoever: The Juyce is also good for all the said griefs, and likewise to kill Lice in Childrens Heads. The green Herb bruised and applied to any green Wound, cureth any fresh Wound or cut whersoever: and the Juyce put into old Sores both clenseth and healeth them: There is also made hereof a singular good Salve to help Impostumes, hard Tumors, and other swellings by blows or falls. |
Edgenote: | Tough Flegm, worms, Meagrim, pains in the Bowels, Gravel & Stone, wind. Mother, toothach, Kings Evil, Venemous Creature, Ague, Cramps & Aches, Sciatica, Itch, Scabs & Ulcers, Cankers & foul Sores, Lice, Fresh wound, Old sores, Impostums & hard Swellings. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |