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SUCCORY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Endive, Wegwarte, ZichorieCichorium intybusSuccory (Garden)Planet: Jupiter
Stichworte: |
Description: | The Garden Succory hath longer and narrower Leaves than Endive, and more cut in or torn on the edges, and the Root abideth many yeers: It beareth also blew Flowers like Endive, and the Seed is hardly distinguished from the Seed of the smooth or ordinary Endive. The wild Succory hath diverse long Leaves lying on the ground very much cut in or torn on the edges, on both sides even to the middle rib ending in a point; somtimes it hath a red Rib down the middle of the Leaves, from among which riseth up a hard, round, woody stalk spreading into many Branches, set with smaller and lesser devided Leaves on them up to the tops where stand the Flowers, which are like the Garden kind as the Seed is also (only take notice that the Flowers of the Garden kind are gone in one Sunny day, they being so cold that they are not able to endure the Beams of the Sun; and therfore most delight in the shadow.) The Root is white, but more hard and woody than the Garden kind: The whol Plant is exceeding bitter. |
Place: | This groweth in many places of our Land, in wast, untilled, and barren Fields. The other only in Gardens. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Garden Succory as it is more dry, and less cold than Endive, so it openeth more: An handful of the Leavs or Roots boyled in Wine or Water, and a draught thereof drunk fasting, driveth forth Chollerick and Flegmatick Humors; openeth Obstructions of the Liver, Gall, and Spleen, helpeth the yellow Jaundice, the Heat of the Reins and of the Urin, the Dropsie also, and those that have an evil disposition in their Bodies by reason of long sickness, evil Diet &c. which the Greeks call (Greek script) Cachexia. A Decoction thereof made with Wine and drunk, is very effectual against long lingring Agues: and a dram of the Seed in Pouder drunk in Wine before the Fit of an Ague, helpeth to drive it away: The Distilled Water of the Herb and Flowers (if you can take them in time) hath the properties, and is especial good for hot Stomachs, and in Agues, either Pestilential or of long continuance, for swounings and Passions of the Heart, for the heat and Headach in Children, and to the blood and Liver. The said water or the Juyce, or the bruised Leaves applied outwardly, allayeth Swellings, Inflamations, St. Anthonies Fire, Pushes, Wheals, and Pimples, especially used with a little Vinegar, as also to wash pestiferous Sores. The said Water is very effectual for sore Eyes that are inflamed with redness, and for Nurses Breasts that are pained by the abundance of Milk. The wild Succory as it is more bitter, so it is more strengthning to the Stomach and Liver. |
Edgenote: | Chollerick & flegmatick Humors, Obstructions, Yellow Jaundice, Hot Reins & Urine, Dropsie, Agues. passions of the Heart, Headach, Swellings & Inflamations, St Anthonies fires, pushes, wheals & pimples, Inflamed Eyes, Too much Milk. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |