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Fragaria vesca


Planet:   Venus
Energie: leicht kühl und leicht feucht

Kühlt die Leber Cool the Liver
Milz Spleen
und Magen & stomach
Löscht Durst Quench Thirst
Entzüdungen Inflamations
provoziert Urin Provoke Urine
Stoppt blutigen Ausfluss und Menstruation stay the Bloody flux & Womens Courses
Keuchendes Herz (Herzschwäche) panting of the heart
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Geschwüre Ulcers
Entzündungen im Mund oder Geschwüre der Genitalien sore Mouths or Ulcers in thep rivities
lockere Zähne Loos teeth
Katarrh und Schleimhautentzündungen Catarrhs & Defluxions
Entzündete Augen Inflamed Eyes

Description: These are so well known through this Land, that they need no Description.
Place: -
Time: They Flower in May ordinarily, and the Fruit is ripe shortly after.
Use: Strawberries when they are green, are cold and dry, but when they are ripe they are cold and moist: The Berries are excellent good to cool the Liver, the Blood and the Spleen, or an hot Chollerick stomach, to refresh & comfort the fainting Spirits, & to quench Thirst: They are good also for other Inflamations, yet it is not amiss to refrain them in a Feaver, lest by their putrefying in the Stomach they encrease the Fits. The Leavs and Roots boyled in Wine and Water and drunk, do likewise cool the Liver and Blood,and asswage all Inflamations in the Reins and bladder, provoketh Urine, and allayeth the heat and sharpness thereof: The same also being drunk stayeth the Bloody Flux, and Womens Courses, and helpeth the Swellings of the Spleen. The Water of the Berries carefully distilled is a Soveraign Remedy and Cordial in the panting and beating of the Heart, and is good for the yellow Jaundice. The Juyce dropped into foul Ulcers, or they washed therewith, or the Decoction of the Herb and Root, doth wonderfully clense, and help to cure them.
Lotions and Gargles for sore Mouthes, or Ulcers therin, or in the privy Parts, or elswhere, are made with the Leaves and Roots hereof; which is also good to fasten loose Teeth, and to heal spungy foul Gums: It helpeth also to stay Catarrhs or Defluxions of Rhewm into the Mouth, Throat, Teeth, or Eyes; The Juyce or Water is singular good for hot and red Inflamed Eyes, if dropped into them, or they bathed therewith; it is also of excellent property for all Pushes, Wheals, and other breakings forth of hot & sharp Humors in the Face and Hands, or other parts of the Body, to bath them therewith; and to take away any redness in the Face, or Spots, or other Deformites in the Skin, and to make it cleer and smooth. Some use this Medicine, Take so many Strawberries as you shall think fitting, and put them into a Distillatory or body of Glass fit for them, which being well closed, set it in a bed of Horsdung for twelve or fourteen daies, and afterwards distill it carefully and keep it for your use: It is excellent water, for hot inflamed Eyes, and to take away any film or Skin that beginneth to grow over them, and for such other defects in them as may be helped by any outward Medicine. Venus owns the Herb.
Edgenote: Cool the Liver, Spleen, & stomach, Quench Thirst, Inflamations, Provoke Urine, stay the Bloody flux & Womens Courses, panting of the heart, Yellow Jaundice, Ulcers, sore Mouths or Ulcers in thep rivities, Loos teeth, Catarrhs & Defluxions, Inflamed Eyes.

22.12.2024 J.N.