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Asplenium scolopendrium
Planet: Saturn
Energie: leicht warm und mässig trocken
| Stichworte: |
Milz |
Spleen |
Häufiger Harndrang |
Strangury |
Steine |
Stone |
Gelbsucht; Tripper (Gonorrhoe) |
yellow Jaundice; Running ofthe Reins |
Melancholie - Krankheiten |
Melancholly Diseases |
| | | |
Description: |
The smooth Spleenwort from a black, threddy and bushy Root, sendeth forth many long single Leaves, cut in on both sides into round dents, almost to the middle, which is not so hard as that of Pollipodie, each devision being not alwaies set opposite unto the other, but between each, smooth, and of a light green on the upper side, and a dark yellowish roughness on the back, folding or rolling it self inward at the first springing up. |
Place: |
It groweth as well upon stone walls as moist and shadowy places about Bristol and other the West parts plentifully; as also on Framingham Castle, on Beckonsfield Church in Barkshire, at Strowde in Kent, and elswhere,. |
Time: |
and abideth green all the Winter |
Use: |
It is generally used against infirmities of the Spleen, it helpeth the strangury and wasteth the Stone in the Bladder, and is good against the yellow Jaundice and the Hiccough; but the use of it in Women hindreth Conception. Mathiolus saith, That if a dram of the dust that is on the back side of the Leaves, be mixed with half a dram of Amber in Pouder, and taken with the Juyce of Purslane or Plantane, it will help the running of the Reins speedily, and that the Herb and Root being boyled and taken, helpeth all Melanchollick Diseases, and those especially that arise from the French Disease. Camerarius saith, That the Distilled water thereof being drunk is very effectual against the Stone in the Reins and Bladder: and that the Ly that is made of the Ashes thereof being drunk for some time together, helpeth Splenetick persons: It is used in outward Remedies for the same purpose. |
Edgenote: |
Spleen, Strangury, Stone, yellow Jaundice; Running ofthe Reins, Melancholly Diseases. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |