Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 SPIGNEL


Bärenwurz, Bärenfenchel

Meum athamanticum


Planet:   Venus
Energie: sehr heiss und mässig trocken

provoziert Urin und Menstruation Provokes Urine & Womens Courses
Häufiger Harndrang Strangury
Magenschmerzen pain in the stomach
Gebärmutter Mother
Gelenkschmerzen; Zähes Phlegma; Giftige Lebewesen Joynt aches; Tough flegm; Venemous Creatures

Description: The Roots of common Spignel do spread much and deep in the ground, many strings or branches growing from one Head which is hairy at the tops, of a blackish brown colour on the outside and white within, smelling well,a nd of an Aromatical tast, from whence rise sundry long stalks of most fine cut Leaves like hairs, smaller than Dill, set thick on both sides of the Stalks, and of a good scent. Among these Leaves rise up round stif stalks, with few Joynts and Leaves at them, and at the tops an Umbel of fine pure white Flowers, at the edges whereof somtimes will be seen a shew of reddish blush colour, especially before they be full blown, and are succeeded by smal somwhat round Seed, bigger than the ordinary Fennel, and of a browner colour, devided into two parts, and crested on the back, as most of the Umbelliferous Seeds are.
Place: It groweth wild in Lancashire, Yorkshire, and other Northern Countries, and is also planted in Gardens.
Time: -
Use: Galen saith, The Roots of Spignel are available to provoke Urine and Womens Courses, but if too much thereof be taken it causeth Headach: The Roots boyled in Wine or Water and drunk, helpeth the Strangury, and stoppings of the Urine, the Wind, swellings and pains in the Stomach, pains of the Mother, and all Joynt Aches. If the Pouder of the Roots be mixed with Honey, and the same taken as a licking Medicine, it breaketh tough Flegm, and drieth up the Rhewm that falleth on the Lungs. The Roots are accounted very effectual against the stinging or biting of any Venemous Creature, and is one of the Ingredients in Methridate, and other Antidotes for the same.
Edgenote: Provokes Urine & Womens Courses, Strangury, pain in the stomach, Mother, Joynt aches; Tough flegm; Venemous Creatures.

22.12.2024 J.N.