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Artemisia abrotanum


Planet:   Merkur
Energie: leicht warm und leicht trocken

Ausbruch Bursten
Krämpfe und Zuckungen Cramps & Convulsions
Ischias Sciatica
Häufiger Harndrang Strangury
Menstruation Womens Courses
Gift Poyson
Wechselfieber Agues
Entzündete Augen Inflamed Eyes
Pickel Pimples
Beulen und Nesselsucht Pushes & Wheals
Würmer Worms
Splitter und Dornen Splinters & Thorns
Alte Geschwüre Old Ulcers
Wunde Stellen an den Geschlechtsteilen Sores in the Privities
Kahlheit Baldness
Syphilis French pox
Steine Stone
Milz und Gebärmutter Spleen & Mother

Description: This is so well known to be an Ordinary Inhabitant in our Gardens, that I shall not need to trouble you with any Description thereof. The Vertues are as followeth.
Place: our Gardens
Time: It Flowreth for the most part in July and August.
Use: Dioscorides saith, That the Seed bruised, heated in warm Water & drunk, helpeth those that are Bursten, or troubled with Cramps, or Convulsions of the Sinews, the Sciatica, or difficulty in making water, and bringeth down Womens Courses. The same taken in Wine is an Antidote or Counter poyson against all deadly Poyson, and driveth away Serpents, and other venemous Creatures; as also the smel of the Herb being Burnt, doth the same. The Oyl thereof anointed on the Backbone before the Fits of Agues come taketh them away: it taketh away Inflamations in the Eyes, if it be put with some part of a roasted Quince and boyled with a few crums of bread and applied. Boyled with Barley Meal it taketh away Pimples, Pushes, or Wheals, that rise in the Face or other part of the Body. The Seed as well as the dried Herb is often given to kill the Worms in Children: The Herb bruised and laid to, helpeth to draw forth Splinters, and Thorns out of the Flesh. The Ashes thereof dryeth up and healeth old Ulcers that are without Inflamation, although by the sharpness thereof it biteth sore and putteth them to sore pains: as also the Sores in the privy Parts of man or woman. The Ashes mingled with old Sallet Oyl, helpeth those that have their hair fallen and are bald, causing the hair to grow again either on the Head or Beard. Durantes saith, That the Oyl made of Southernwood and put among the Oyntments that are used against the French Disease, is very effectual, and likewise killeth Lice in the Head. The Distilled Water of the Herb is said to help them much that are troubled with the Stone, as also for the Diseases of the Spleen and Mother. The Germans commend it for a singular Wound Herb, and therefore call it Stabwort. It is held by all Writers, Antient and Modern to be more offensive to the stomach than Wormwood.
Edgenote: Bursten, Cramps & Convulsions, Sciatica, Strangury, Womens Courses, Poyson, Agues, Inflamed Eyes, Pimples, Pushes & Wheals, Worms, Splinters & Thorns, Old Ulcers, Sores in the Privities, Baldness, French pox, Stone, Spleen & Mother.

22.12.2024 J.N.