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SOW-THISTLES | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weiche Saudistel, Kohl-GänsedistelSonchus oleraceusSow-Thistle (Common)Planet: Venus
Rauhe Saudistel, Rauhe GänsedistelSonchus asperSow-Thistle (Prickly)Planet: Venus
Sumpf-SaudistelSonchus palustrisSow-Thistle (Tree)Planet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | These are generally so well known that they need no Description. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | They grow in our Gardens and manured Grounds, and somtimes by old Walls, the path sides of Fields and High-waies. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Sow-thistles are cooling and somwhat binding, and are very fit to cool an hot Stomach, and to ease the gnawing pains thereof; The Herb boyled in Wine is very helpful to stay the dissolutions of the Stomach: And the Milk that is taken from the Stalks when they are broken, given in drink, is beneficial to those that are short Winded and have a wheesing withal: Pliny saith that it hath caused the Gravel and Stone to be voided by Urine, and that the eating thereof helpeth a stinking breath: Three spoonfuls of the Juyce thereof taken in white Wine warmed, and some Oyl put thereto causeth Women in Travel to have so easie and speedy delivery, that they may be able to walk presently after: The said Juyce taken in warm drink, helpeth the Strangury and pains in making water. The Decoction of the Leaves and Stalks, causeth abundance of Milk in Nurses, and their Children to be well coloured, and is good for those whose Milk doth curdle in their Breasts. The Juyce boyled or throughly heated with a little Oyl of Bitter Almonds in the Pill of a Pomegranate, and dropped into the Ears, is a sure Remedy for Deafness, singings, and all other Diseases in them. The Herb bruised or the Juyce is profitably applied to all hot Inflamations in the Eyes, or wheresoever else, and for Wheals, Blisters, or other the like eruptions of heat in the Skin; as also for the heat and itching of the Hemorrhoids, and the heat and sharpness of Humors in the Secret parts of man or Woman: The distilled water of the Herb, is not only effectual for all the Diseases aforesaid to be taken inwardly with a little Sugar(which Medicine the daintiest Stomach will not refuse) but outwardly, by applying Cloathes or Spunges wetted therein: It is wonderful good for Women to wash their Faces therewith, to cleer the Skin, and give a lustre thereto. |
Edgenote: | Pains & heat of the Stomach, short wind & wheesing, Gravel & Stone, stinking Breath, speedy Delivery, Strangury, Milk increased, Deafness & singing in the Ears, Inflamed Eyes, Wheals, & Blisters, Hemorrhoids, Cleer the Face. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |