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WOOD SORREL | |||||||||||||||||||||
Wald-SauerkleeAcetosella oxalisSorrel (Wood)Planet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | This groweth low upon the ground, having a number of Leaves coming from the Root, made of three Leaves like a Trefoyl but broad at the ends and cut in the middle, of a faint yellowish green colour, every one standing on a long Footstalk, which at their first coming up are close folded together to the Stalk, but opening themselves afterwards, and are of a fine sowr rellish, and yeelding a Juyce which will turn red when it is clarified, and maketh a most-dainty clear Syrup: Among these Leavs riseth up diverse slender weak Footstalks, with every one of them a Flower at the top, consisting of five small pointed Leaves Star fashion, of a white colour in most places, and in some dash'd over with a small shew of blush, on the back side only: After the Flowers are past follow smal round heads, with small yellowish Seed in them: The Roots are nothing but smal strings fastned to the end of a smal long piece, all of them being of a yellowish colour. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in many places of our Land, in Woods and Wood sides, where they be moist and shadowed, and in other places not too much open to the Sun. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth in April and May. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Wood Sorrel, serveth to all purposes that the other Sorrels do, and is more effectual in hindring the putrefaction of Blood, and Ulcers in the Mouth and Body, and in cooling and tempering heats & Inflamations, to quench thirst, to strengthen a weak Stomach, to procure an appetite, to stay Vomiting, and very excellent in any contagious sickness, or Pestilential Feavers. The Syrup made of the Juyce is effectual in all the causes aforesaid, and so is the Distilled Water of the Herb also. Spunges or Linnen Cloathes wet in the Juyce and applied outwardly to any hot Swellings or Inflamations, doth much cool and help them: The same Juyce taken and gargled in the Mouth, and after it is spit forth, fresh taken, doth wonderfully help a foul stinking Canker, or Ulcer therein. It is singular good in Wounds, Thrusts, and Stabs in the Body, to stay bleeding, and to clense and heal the Wounds speedily; and helpeth to stay any hot Defluxions into the Throat or Lungs. |
Edgenote: | Ulcers, Inflamations, procure Appetite, stay Vomiting, Pestilential Feavers, Hot swellings, Canker or Ulcer in the Mouth, Wounds or scabs, Defluxions. | ||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |