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Rumex acetosa

Sorrel (Common)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: leicht warm und leicht trocken

Kühlt Entzüdungen Cooleth Inflamations
und Hitze im Blut & heat of Blood
Wechselfieber Agues
Löscht Durst Quench thirst
provoziert Appetit Provoke Appetite
Tötet Würmer Kill worms
Menstruation Womens Courses
Ausfluss Fluxes
Gift Poyson
Gelbsucht Jaundice
Griess im Urin und Steine Gravel & stone
Melasikterus Black Jaundice
Innere Geschwüre Inward Ulcers
Juckreiz Itch
Pusteln und Haarflechte (Ringelflechte) Tetters & Ringworms
Kerne im Hals Kernels in the Throat
Entzündungen im Mund sore Mouth
Eitriger Abszess Impostume
Entzündete Beulen oder Pest Boyl or Plague sore

Description: Our ordinary Sorrel, which groweth in Gardens and also wild in the Fields, is so well known that it needeth no Description.
Place: in Gardens and also wild in the Fields
Time: -
Use: Sorrel is prevalent in all hot Diseases, to cool any Inflamation and heat of Blood in Agues Pestilential or Chollerick, or other sicknesses and faintings, rising from heat, and to refresh the overspent Spirits with the violence of furious or fiery fits of Agues, to quench Thirst, and procure an Appetite in fainting or decayd Stomachs: for it resisteth the putrefaction of the Blood, killeth Worms, and is as a Cordial to the heart which the Seed doth more effectually being more drying and binding, and thereby stayeth the hot Fluxes of Womens Courses, or of Humors in the Bloody Flux, or Flux of the Stomach. The Roots also in a Decoction, or in Pouder, is effectual for all the said purposes. Both Roots and Seed as well as the Herb is held powerful to resist the poyson of the Scorpion. The Decoction of the Roots is taken to help the Jaundice, and to expel Gravel and the Stone in the Reins or Kidneys. The Decoction of the Flowers made with Wine and drunk helpeth the black Jaundice, as also the inward Ulcers of the Body or Bowels. A Syrup made with the Juyce of Sorrel and Fumitary is a Soveraign help to kill those sharp Humors that cause the Itch. The Juyce thereof with a little Vinegar serveth well to be used outwardly for the same cause, and is also profitable for Tetters, Ringworms &c. It helpeth also to discuss the Kernels in the Throat, and the Juyce gargled in the Mouth helpeth the Sores therein. The Leaves wrapped up in a Colewoort Leaf, and roasted under the Embers, and applied to a hard Impostume, Botch, Boyl, or Plague Sore, both ripeneth and breaketh it. The Distilled water of the Herb is of much good use for all the purposes aforesaid.
Venus owns it, and she will never deny the Herb that follows.
Edgenote: Cooleth Inflamations, & heat of Blood, Agues, Quench thirst, Provoke Appetite, Kill worms, Womens Courses, Fluxes, Poyson, Jaundice, Gravel & stone, Black Jaundice, Inward Ulcers, Itch, Tetters & Ringworms, Kernels in the Throat, sore Mouth, Impostume, Boyl or Plague sore.

22.12.2024 J.N.