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| | | SMALLAGE |
Apium graveolens
Planet: Merkur
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl
| Stichworte: |
Leber und Milz |
Liver & Spleen |
Urin und Menstruation |
Urine & womens Courses |
Gelbsucht |
Yellow Jaundice |
Wechselfieber |
Agues |
Entzündungen in Mund und Hals |
sore Mouths & Throats |
Geschwüre und Mundgeschwüre |
Ulcers & Cankers |
Blähungen |
wind |
Würmer |
worms |
Mundgeruch |
stinking Breath |
| | | |
Description: |
This also is very well known, and therefore I shall not trouble the Reader with any Description thereof. |
Place: |
It groweth naturally in wet and Marsh grounds, but if it be sown in Gardens it there prospereth very well. |
Time: |
It abideth green all the Winter, and Seedeth in August. |
Use: |
Smallage is hotter, dryer, and much more Medicinable than Parsley, for it much more openeth Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, rarifieth thick Flegm, and clenseth it and the Blood withal. It provoketh Urine and Womens Courses, and is singular good against the yellow Jaundice: It is very effectual against Tertian and Quartan Agues, if the Juyce thereof be taken; but especially made into Syrup. The Juyce also put to Honey of Roses, and Barley Water, is very good to Gargle the Mouth and Throat of those that have Sores and Ulcers in them, and will quickly heal them: The same Lotion also clenseth and healeth all other foul Ulcers and Cankers elswhere if they be washed therewith. The Seed is especially used to break and expel wind, to kill Worms and to help a stinking Breath: The Root is effectual to all the purposes aforesaid, and is held to be stonger in operation than the Herb, but especially to open Obstructions, and to rid away an Ague, if the Juyce thereof be taken in Wine, or the Decoction thereof in Wine be used. |
Edgenote: |
Liver & Spleen, Urine & womens Courses, Yellow Jaundice, Agues, sore Mouths & Throats, Ulcers & Cankers, wind, worms, stinking Breath. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |