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SELF-HEAL | |||||||||||||||||
Kleine BraunellePrunella vulgarisSelf HealPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | The common Self-heal is a small low creeping Herb, having many small roundish pointed Leavs somwhat like the Leaves of Wild Mints, of a dark green colour without any dents on the edges, from among which rise diverse square hairy Stalks scarce a foot high, which spread somtimes into Branches with diverse such smal Leaves set thereon, up to the tops, where stand brown spiked Heads, of many smal brownish Leaves like scales and Flowers set together, almost like the Head of Cassidony, which Flowers are gaping, and of a blewish purple, or more pale blew, in some places sweet, but not so in others: The Root consists of many strings or fibres downward, and spreadeth strings also, whereby it encreaseth: The smal stalks with the Leaves creeping upon the ground, shoot forth fibres taking hold of the ground, wherby it is made a great tuft in short time. | ||||||||||||||||
Place: | It is found in Woods and Fields every where. | ||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth in May, and somtimes in April. | ||||||||||||||||
Use: | As Self-heal is like Bugle in form, so also in the Qualities and Vertues serving for al the purposes whereto Bugle is applied with good success either inwardly or outwardly, for inward Wounds or Ulcers wheresoever within the Body, for Bruises and Falls and such like hurts: if it be accompanied with Bugle, Sanicle, and other the like Wound Herbs it will be the more effectual, and to wash or inject into Ulcers in the parts outwardly where there is cause to repress the heat and sharpness of Humors flowing to any sore Ulcer, Inflamation, Swelling or the like, or to stay the Flux of blood in any Wound or Part, this is used with good success, as also to clense the foulness of Sores, and cause them more speedily to be healed. It is an especial Remedy for all green Wounds to soder the lips of them, and to keep the place from any further inconveniences: The Juyce hereof used with Oyl of Roses to anoint the Temples and Forehead, is very effectual to remove the Headach: and the same mixed with Honey of Roses, clenseth and healeth all Ulcers in the Mouth and Throat, and those also in the secret parts. And the Proverb of the Germans, French, and others is verified in this, That he needeth neither Physitian nor Chyrurgion, that hath Self-heal and Sanicle to help himself. Here is another Herb of Venus, Self-heal whereby when you hurt, you may heal your self, 'tis indeed a special Herb for inward and outward Wounds, take it inwardly in Syrups for inward Wounds, outwardly in Unguents and Plaisters for outward. |
Edgenote: | Inward Wounds & Ulcers, Bruises, Flux of Blood, Foul sores, Green wounds, Headach, Sores in the Mouth or Throat & secret parts. | ||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |