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Pimpinella saxifraga

Saxifrage (Great Burnet)

Planet:   Mond
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

provoziert Urin Provoke Urine
Vermindert Blähungen und Kolik Ease Wind & Chollick
Gebärmutter Mother
Menstruation Womens Courses
Steine Stone
Zähes Phlegma Tough Flegm
Gift Venom
Krämpfe und Zuckungen Cramps & Convulsions
Wunden am Kopf Wounds in the Head
Sommersprossen und Flecken Freckles & spots

Description: The greater sort of our English Burnet Saxifrage groweth up with diverse long Stalks of winged Leavs, set directly opposite one to another on both sides, each being somwhat broad, a little pointed and dented about the edges, of a sad green colour. At the tops of the Stalks stand Umbels of white Flowers, after which comes small and blackish Seed: The Root is long and whitish, abiding long. Our lesser Burnet Saxifrage, hath much finer Leaves than the former, and very smal, and set one against another, deeply jagged about the edges, and of the same colour as the former: The Umbels of Flowers are white, and the Seed very small, and so is the Root, being also somwhat hot and quick in tast.
Place: These grow in most Meadows of this Land, and are easie to be found, being well sought for among the Grass, wherein many times they lie hid scarcely to be discern'd.
Time: The Flower about July, and their Seed is ripe in August.
Use: These Saxifrages are as hot as Pepper, and Tragus saith by his experience they are more wholsom: They have the same properties that the Parsleys have, but in provoking Urine, and easing the pains thereof, or of the Wind and Chollick, are much more effectual; The Roots or Seed being used either in Pouder, or in Decoction, or any other way; and likewise helpeth the Windy pains of the Mother, and to procure their Courses, to break and avoid the Stone in the Kidneys, to digest cold, viscous, and tough Flegm in the Stomach, and is a most especial Remedy against all kind of Venom. Castorium being boyled in the distilled water hereof, is singular good to be given to those that are troubled with Cramps and Convulsions: some do use to make the Seed into Comfits (as they do Caraway Seed) which is effectual to all the purposes aforesaid. The Juyce of the Herb dropped into the most grievous Wounds of the Head, drieth up their moisture and healeth them quickly. Some Women use the distilled Water, to take away Freckles or Spots in the Skin or Face: and to drink the same sweetned with Sugar for all the purposes aforesaid.
Edgenote: Provoke Urine, Ease Wind & Chollick, Mother, Womens Courses, Stone, Tough Flegm, Venom, Cramps & Convulsions, Wounds in the Head, Freckles & spots.

22.12.2024 J.N.