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Knollen-Steinbrech, Weisser Steinbrech
Saxifraga granulata (Saxifraga alba)
Saxifrage (White)
Planet: Mond
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken
| Stichworte: |
Reinigt die Nieren - Lenden |
Clenseth the Reins |
Steine |
Stone |
Griess im Urin |
Gravel |
provoziert Urin |
provoke Urine |
Menstruation |
Womens Courses |
Zähes Phlegma |
Tough Flegm |
| | | |
Description: |
This hath a few smal reddish Kernels or Roots, covered with some Skins lying among diverse smal blackish Fibres, which send forth diverse round, faint, or yellowish green Leavs, and grayish underneath, lying above the ground unevenly dented about the edges, & somwhat hairy, every one upon a little footstalk from whence riseth up a round brownish hairy green stalk, two or three foot high, with a few such like round Leaves as grow below, but smaller, and somwhat branched at the top, whereon stand pretty large white Flowers of five Leaves apiece, with some yellow threds in the middle, standing in long crested brownish green Husks: After the Flowers are past there ariseth somtimes a round hard head by, forked at the top, wherein is contained small blackish Seed, but usually they fall away without any Seed; and it is the Kernels or grains of the Root which are usually called the white Saxifrage Seed, and so used. |
Place: |
It groweth in many places of our Land, as well in the lower moist, as in the upper dry corners of Meadows, and grassy sandy places; It used to grow neer Lambs Conduit, on the back side of Grayes-Inn. |
Time: |
It Flowreth in May, and is then gathered as well for that which is called the Seed, as to distil, for it quickly perisheth down to the ground when any hot weather comes. |
Use: |
It is very effectual to clense the Reins and Bladder, and to dissolve the Stone ingendred in them, and to expel it and the Gravel by Urine, to provoke Urine also being stopped, and to help the Strangury: for which purposes the Decoction of the Herb or Roots in white Wine, or the Pouder of the smal Kernelly Roots which is called the Seed taken in white Wine, or in the same Decoction made with white Wine is most usual. The Distilled water of the whol Herb, Roots, and Flowers, is most familiar to be taken: It provoketh also Womens Courses, and freeth and clenseth the Stomach and Lungs from thick and tough Flegm that troubles them. There is not many better Medicines to break the Stone than this. |
Edgenote: |
Clenseth the Reins, Stone, Gravel, provoke Urine, Womens Courses, Tough Flegm. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |