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WINTER AND SUMMER SAVORY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Sommer-) BohnenkrautSatureja hortensis (Thymus cunila)Savory (Summer)Planet: Merkur
Winterbohnenkraut, Berg-BohnenkrautSatureja montanaSavory (Winter)Planet: Merkur
Stichworte: |
Description: | Both these are so well known (being entertained as constant Inhabitants in our Gardens) that they need no Description. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | constant Inhabitants in our Gardens | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | They are both of them hot and dry, especially the Summer kind, which is both sharp and quick in tast, expelling Wind in the Stomach and Bowels, and is a present help for the rising of the Mother procured by Wind, provoketh Urine and Womens Courses, and is much commended for Women with Child to take inwardly, and to smell often unto. It cutteth tough Flegm in the Chest and Lungs, and helpeth to expectorate it the more easily; It quencheth the dull spirits in the Lethargy, the Juyce thereof being snuffed, or cast up into the nostrils: The Juyce dropped into the Eyes cleareth a dull sight, if it proceed of thin cold humors distilling from the Brain: The Juyce heated with a little Oyl of Roses, and dropped into the Ears easeth them of the noise and singing in them, and of deafness also: Outwardly applied with white flower in manner of a Pultis, it giveth ease to the Sciatica, and Palsey'd Members, heating and warming them, and taketh away their pains: It also taketh away the pain that comes of stinging by Bees, Wasps, &c. Mercury claims the Dominion over this Herb, neither is there a better Remedy against the Chollick and Illiack passions than this Herb, keep it dry by you all the yeer if you love your selves, and your ease, as 'tis an hundred pound to a penny if you do not: keep it dry, make Conserves and Syrups of it for your use; and withal, take notice that the Summer kind is the best. |
Edgenote: | Expelleth Wind, Mother, provokes Urine & Womens Courses, Tough Flegm, Lethargy, Dull sight, Singing in the Ears & Deafness, Sciatica & Palsey, stinging of Bees &c , Chollick, Illiack passion. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |