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SARAFENS CONFOUND | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fluss-GreiskrautSenecio fluviatilis (Senecio saracenicus)Saracen's ConsoundPlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | This groweth very high somtimes with brownish Stalks, and other whiles with green and hollow to a mans height, having many long and narrow green Leavs snip'd about the edges, somwhat like those of the Peach-Tree, or Willow Leavs, but not of such a white green colour: The tops of the Stalks are furnished with many pale yellow Starlike Flowers standing in green heads, which when they are fallen, and the Seed ripe, which is somwhat long, smal, and of a yellowish brown colour wrapped in down, is therewith carried away with the wind: The Root is composed of many strings or fibres, set together at a head, which perish not in Winter, but abide, although the Stalks dry away, and no Leaf appeareth in Winter. The tast hereof is strong and unpleasant, and so is the smel also. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in moist and wet grounds by Wood sides, and somtimes in the moist places of shady Groves, as also by the water side. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth in July, and the Seed is soon ripe, and carryed away with the wind. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Among the Germans, this Wound Herb is preferred before all others of the same quality. Being boiled in Wine and drunk, it helpeth the indisposition of the Liver, and freeth the Gall from Obstructions, whereby it is good for the yellow Jaundice, and for the Dropsie in the beginning of it, for all inward ulcers of the Reins, or elswhere, and inward Wounds and Bruises: And being steeped in Wine and then distilled, the Water thereof drunk is singular good to ease all gnawings in the Stomach, or other pains of the Body, as also the pains of the Mother: And being boyled in Water it helpeth continual Agues; And this said Water, or the Juyce or Decoction, are very effectual to heal any green Wound or old sore or Ulcer whatsoever, clensing them from corruption and quickly healing them up: It is no less effectual for the Ulcers in the mouth or Throat, be they never so foul or stinking, by washing and gargling them therewith; and likewise for such Sores as happen in the privy parts of man or Woman: Briefly whatsoever hath been said of Bugle or Sanicle, may be found herein. Saturn owns this Herb, and 'tis of sober condition like him. |
Edgenote: | Obstructions, yellow Jaundice, Dropsie, Ulcers of the Reins, Inward Wounds & Bruises, Pains in the Body, Mother, Agues, Green Wounds, Old Sores or Ulcers, Ulcers in the Mouth or Throat, Sores in the Privy Parts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |