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Sanicula europaea


Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und sehr trocken

Alte Wunden Green Wounds
Geschwüre Ulcers
Eitriger Abszess Impostums
Innere Blutungen Inward Bleedings
Schwellungen Swellings
Geschwüre in Mund Ulcers in the Mouth
Hals und Geschlechtsteile Throat & Privities
Menstruation Womens Courses
Blutiger Ausfluss Fluxes of Blood
Durchfall Lasks
Geschwüre der Nieren Ulcers in the Kidneys
Tripper (Gonorrhoe) Running of the Reins
Zerrungen Ruptures

Description: The ordinary Sanicle sendeth forth many great round Leavs standing upon long brownish stalkes, every one somewhat deeply cut or divided into five or six parts, and some of those also cut in, somwhat like the Leaf of a Crowfoot, or Doves-foot, and finely dented about the edges, smooth, and of a dark green shining colour, and somtimes reddish about the brims, from among which riseth up smal round green Stalks without any Joynt or Leaf thereon, saving at the top, where it brancheth forth into Flowers, having a Leaf devided into three or four parts at that Joynt with the Flowers, which are smal and whit, starting out of smal round greenish yellow heads, many standing together in a tuft; in which afterward are the Seeds contained, which are smal round rough Burs, somwhat like the Seeds of Cleavers, and stick in the same manner upon any thing that they touch: The Root is composed of may black strings or fibres set together, at a little long head, which abideth with the green Leavs all the Winter and perish not.
Place: It is found in many shadowy Woods, and other places of this Land.
Time: It Flowreth in June, and the Seed is ripe shortly after.
Use: It is exceeding good to heal all green Wounds speedily, or any Ulcers, Impostumes, or bleedings inwardly: It doth wonderfully help those that have any Tumors in any part of their Bodies, for it represseth and dissipateth the Humors, if the Decoction or Juyce thereof be taken, or the Pouder in drink, and the Juyce used outwardly; For there is not found any Herb that can give such present help either to Man or Beast when the Disease falleth upon the Lungs or Throat, and to heal up all the putrid Malignant Ulcers in the Mouth, Throat, and Privities, by gargling or washing with the Decoction of the Leavs and Root, made in Water, and a little Honey put thereto. It helpeth to stay Womens Courses, and all other Fluxes of Blood either by the Mouth, Urine or Stool, and Lasks of the Belly, the Ulceration of the Kidneys also, and the pains in the Bowels, and the Gonorrhea or running of the Reins, being boyled in Wine or Water, and drunk. The same also is no less powerful to help any Ruptures or Burstings, used both inwardly and outwardly, and briefly it is effectual in binding, restraining, consolidating, heating, drying, and healing; as Comfry, Bugle, Self-heal, or any other of the Confounds, or Vulnerary Herbs whatsoever.
This is one of Venus her Herbs to cure either Wounds, or what other mischiefs Mars inflicteth upon the Body of Man.
Edgenote: Green Wounds, Ulcers, Impostums, Inward Bleedings, Swellings, Ulcers in the Mouth, Throat & Privities, Womens Courses, Fluxes of Blood, Lasks, Ulcers in the Kidneys, Running of the Reins, Ruptures.

22.12.2024 J.N.