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| | | SAMPIRE |
Crithmum maritimum
Planet: Merkur
Energie: mässig warm und mässig feucht
| Stichworte: |
Hilft der Verdauung |
Helps digestion |
Öffnet Stauungen |
Opens Obstructions |
provoziert Urin |
provokes Urin |
Austreiben von Griess im Urin und von Steinen |
Expel Gravel and the Stone |
| | | |
Description: |
The Rock Sampire groweth up with a tender green Stalk, about half a yard or two foot high at the most, branching forth almost from the very bottom, and stored with sundry thick, and almost round somwhat long Leavs, of a deep green colour, somtimes three together, and somtimes more on a Stalk, and are sappy, and of a pleasant, hot, or spicy tast: At the tops of the Stalk and Branches, stand Umbels of white Flowers, and after them come large Seed bigger than Fennel Seed, yet somwhat alike. The Root is great, white, and long, continuing many yeers, and is of a hot spicy tast likewise. |
Place: |
It groweth on the Rocks that are often moistened at the least, if not overflown with the Sea water. |
Time: |
And it Flowreth and Seedeth in the end of July and August. |
Use: |
It is a safe Herb, very pleasant both to the tast and Stomach, helping digestion, and in some sort opening the Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, provoking Urine, and helping thereby to wash away the Gravel and Stone ingendred in the Kidneys or Bladder. |
Edgenote: |
Helps digestion, Opens Obstructions, provokes Urin, Expel Gravel and the Stone. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |