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Wald-Gamander, Wilder Salbei, Salbei-Gamander

Teucrium scorodonia (Salvia agrestis)

Sage (Wood)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

provoziert Urin und Menstruation Provokes Urine & Womens Courses
und Schweiss & Sweat
Schwellungen im Fleisch Swellings in the flesh
Syphilis French Pox
Gebrochene Vene Vein broken
Ausbruch Bursteness
Lähmungen Palsey
Geschwüre und wunde Stellen Ulcers & Sores
Alte Wunden Green Wounds

Description: Wood-Sage riseth up with square hoary Stalks two foot high at the least, with two Leavs set at every Joynt, somwhat like other Sage Leavs, but smaller, softer, whiter, and rounder, and a little dented about the edges and smelling somwhat strongly: At the tops of the Stalks and Branches stand the Flowers on a slender long Spike turning themselves all one way when they blow, and are of a pale and whitish colour, smaller than Sage, but hooded and gaping like unto them: The Seed is blackish and round, four usually set in a husk together: The Root is long and stringy, with diverse Fibres thereat, and abideth many yeers.
Place: It groweth in Woods, and by Wood-sides, as also in diverse Fields and by Lanes in this Land.
Time: It Flowreth in June, July, and August.
Use: The Decoction of Wood-Sage provoketh Urine and Womens Courses: it also provoketh Sweat, digesteth Humors, and discusseth Swellings, and Nodes in the Flesh, and is therefore thought to be good against the French Pox. The Decoction of the green Herb made with Wine is a safe and sure Remedy for those who by falls, bruises, or Blows, doubt some Vein to be inwardly broken, to disperse and avoid the congealed blood, and to consolidate the Vein; It is also good for such as are inwardly or outwardly bursten, the drink used inwardly, and the Herb applied outwardly: The same used in the same manner is found to be a sure Remedy for the Palsey: The Juyce of the Herb or the Pouder thereof dried, is good for moist Ulcers and Sores in the Legs or other parts, to dry them, and caus them to heal the more speedily: It is no less effectual also in green Wounds to be used upon any occasion.
Edgenote: Provokes Urine & Womens Courses, & Sweat. Swellings in the flesh, French Pox, Vein broken, Bursteness, Palsey, Ulcers & Sores, Green Wounds.

22.12.2024 J.N.