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Salbei, Gartensalbei

Salvia officinalis

Sage (Common Garden)

Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: mässig warm und sehr trocken

provoziert Urine Provoke urine
Menstruation Womens Courses
Austreiben von Totgeburt und Nachgeburt Expel the Dead Child & Afterbirth
Stoppt Blutungen Stanch Bleeding
Reinigt Geschwüre und wunde Stellen Clense Ulcers & sores
Juckreiz an den Hoden Itching of the Cods
Hilft der Empfängnis und Aufhalten der Fehlgeburt Help Conception & hinder Miscarriage
Spucken von Blut spitting Blood
Tuberkulose Consumption
Schmerzen in Kopf und Gelenken Pains of the Head & Joynts
Epilepsie Falling-sickness
Trägheit Lethargy
Stumpfer Geist Dulness of spirit
Lähmungen Palsey
Schleimhautentzündungen bei Schnupfen Defluxions of Rhewm
Eitriger Abszess hinter den Ohren Impostume behind the Ears
Heiserkeit und Husten Hoarsness & Cough
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody Flux
Schlangenbisse Biting of Serpents
Würmer in the Ohren Worms in the Ears
oder wunde Stellen or Sores
Weckt die Sinne und hilft dem Gedächtnis Quicken the senses & help Memory
Entzündungen in Mund und Hals Sore Mouths & Throats
Mundgeschwüre Cankers
Lähmungen oder Krämpfe Palsey or Cramp
Seitenstechen Stitch in the side

Description: Our ordinary Garden Sage needeth no Description.
Place: Garden
Time: It Flowreth in or about July.
Use: A Decoction of the Leavs and Branches of Sage made and drunk, saith Dioscorides provoketh Urine, bringeth down Womens Courses, helpeth to expel the dead Child, and causeth the hairs to become black; It staieth the bleeding of Wounds, and clenseth foul Ulcers or Sores; The said Decoction made in Wine taketh away the itching ofthe Cods if they be bathed therwith. Agrippa saith, That if Women that cannot conceive by reason of the moist slipperiness of their Wombs shall take a quantity of the Juyce of Sage with a little Salt for four daies before they company with their Husbands, it will help them not only to Conceive, but also to retain the Birth without miscarrying. Orpheus saith, Three spoonfuls of the Juyce of Sage taken fasting with a little Honey, doth presently stay the spitting or casting up of Blood. For them that are in a consumption, these Pills are much commended. Take of Spicknard and Ginger of each two drams; of the Seed of Sage toasted at the fire, eight drams, of long Pepper twelve drams, all these being brought into fine Pouder, put thereto so much Juyce of Sage as may make them into a Mass for Pills, taking a dram of them every morning fasting, and so likewise at night, drinking a little pure Water after them. Mathiolus saith, it is very profitable for all manner of pains of the Head coming of cold and Rhewmatick Humors, as also for all pains of the Joynts, whether used inwardly or outwardly, and therfore helpeth the Falling-sickness, the Lethargy, such as are dull and heavy of spirit, the Palsey, and is of much use in all Defluxions of Rhewm from the Head, and for the Diseases of the Chest or Breast. The Leavs of Sage and Nettles bruised together, and laid upon the Impostume that riseth behind the Ears, doth asswage it much: The Juyce of Sage taken in warm water, helpeth a Hoarsness and the Cough.
The Leavs sodden in Wine and laid upon the place affected with the Palsey helpeth much, if the Decoction be drunk also. Sage taken with Wormwood is used for the bloody Flux. Pliny saith, it procureth Womens Courses, and stayeth them coming down too fast, helpeth the stinging and biting of Serpents, and killeth the Worms that breed in the Ears and in Sores. Sage is of excellent use to help the Memory, warming and quickning the senses; and the Conserve made of the Flowers is used to the same purpose, and also for all the former recited Diseases. The Juyce of Sage drunk with Vinegar hath been of good use in the time of Plague at all times. Gargles likewise are made with Sage, Rosemary, Honeysuckles, and Plantane boyled in Wine or Water, with some Honey and Allum put thereto, to wash sore Mouthes and Throats, Cankers, or the secret parts of man or woman as need requireth. And with other hot and comfortable Herbs. Sage is boyled to bath the Body or Legs in the Summer time, especially to warm cold Joynts or Sinews troubled with the Palsey or Cramp, and to comfort and strengthen the parts. It is much commended against the Stitch or pains in the side coming of Wind, if the place be fomented warm with the Decoction thereof in Wine, and the Herb after the boyling be laid warm also thereunto.
Jupiter claims this, and bid me tell you it is good for the liver, and to breed good Blood.
Edgenote: Provoke urine, Womens Courses, Expel the Dead Child & Afterbirth, Stanch Bleeding, Clense Ulcers & sores, Itching of the Cods. Help Conception & hinder Miscarriage, spitting Blood, Consumption, Pains of the Head & Joynts, Falling-sickness, Lethargy, Dulness of spirit, Palsey, Defluxions of Rhewm, Impostume behind the Ears, Hoarsness & Cough, Bloody Flux, Biting of Serpents, Worms in the Ears, or Sores, Quicken the senses & help Memory, Sore Mouths & Throats, Cankers, Palsey or Cramp, Stitch in the side.

22.12.2024 J.N.