Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 SAFFRON


Safran, Herbstkrokus

Crocus sativus


Planet:   Sonne / Löwe
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

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Description: The Herb needs no Description it being known generally where it grows.
Place: It grows frequently at Walden in Essex, and in Cambridg shire.
Time: -
Use: It is an Herb of the Sun, and under the Lion, and therfore you need not demand a reason why it strengthens the heart so exceedingly; Let not abov ten grains be given at one time, for if the Sun which is the Fountain of Life, may dazle the Eyes and make them blind, a Cordial being taken in an immoderate quantity may hurt the Heart instead of helping it. It quicken the Brain, for the Sun is exalted in [astrological symbol for Aries] as well as he hath his House in [astrological symbol for Leo] it help Consumption of the Lungs, help difficulty of breathing: it is an excellent thing in Epidemical Diseases, as Pestilences, smal Pox, and Measles: It is a notable expulsive Medicine, and a notable Remedy for the yellow Jaundice. My own Opinion is (but I have no Author for it) that Hermodactils is nothing else but the Roots of Saffron dried, and my reason is, that the Roots of all Crocus both white and yellow purge Flegm as Hermodactils do, and if you please to dry the Roots of any Crocus, neither your eye nor your tast shal distinguish it from Hermodactils.
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22.12.2024 J.N.