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| | | RYE |
Secale cereale
Planet: Venus
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl
| Stichworte: |
Eitriger Abszess |
Impostumes |
Beulen und Schwellungen |
Boyls & Swellings |
Kopfschmerzen |
Pains of the Head |
Gestaut Hände oder Füsse |
Chops of the Hands or Feet |
| | | |
Description: |
This is so well known in all the Countries of this Land, and especially to the Country people who feed much thereon, that if I should describe it, they would presently say, I might well have spared that Labor: Its Vertues follow. |
Place: |
- |
Time: |
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Use: |
Rye is more digesting that Wheat; The Bread and the Leaven thereof ripeneth and breaketh Impostumes, Boyls, and other Swellings: The Meal of Rye put between a double cloth, and moistned with a little Vinegar, and heated in a Pewter dish, set over a Chafing-dish of coals, and bound fast to the Head while it is hot, both much eas the continual pains of the Head. Mathiolus saith, That the ashes of Rye straw put into Water and suffered therein a day and a night, and the Chops of the Hands or Feet washed therewith, doth heal them. |
Edgenote: |
Impostumes, Boyls & Swellings, Pains of the Head, Chops of the Hands or Feet. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |