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RUSHES | |||||
BinseJuncusRushPlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | Although there are many kinds of Rushes, yet I shall only here insist upon those which are best known, and most Medicinal, as the Bulrushes, and other of the soft and smooth kinds; which grow so commonly in almost every place of this Land, and are so generally noted, that I suppose it needless to trouble you with any Description of them: Briefly then take the Vertues of them as followeth. | ||||
Place: | - | ||||
Time: | - | ||||
Use: | The Seeds of these soft Rushes, saith Dioscorides and Galen, toasted (saith Pliny) being drunk in Wine and Water, stayeth the Lask and Womens Courses when they come down too abundantly: but it causeth Headach: It provoketh sleep likewise but must be given with caution, lest the party that takes it wake not until the Resurrection: Pliny saith, The Root boyled in water to the consumption of one third, helpeth the Cough. Thus you see that Conveniences have their Inconveniences, and Vertue is seldom unaccompanied with some Vices. What I have written concerning Rushes is to satisfie my Country-mens Question, Are our Rushes good for nothing? Yes, and as good let alone as taken; There are Remedies enough without them for every Diseas, and therfore as the Proverb is, I care not a Rush for them, or rather they will do you as much good as if one had given you a Rush. |
Edgenote: | - | ||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |