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RUPTURE WORT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
BruchkrautHerniaria glabraRupturewortPlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | This spreadeth very many threddy Branches round about upon the ground, about a span long, devided into many other smaller parts, full of small Joynts set very thick together, whereat come forth two very small Leavs of a fresh yellowish green colour branches and all, where groweth forth also a number of exceeding smal yellowish Flowers, scarce to be discerned from the Stalks and Leavs, which turn into Seed as smal as the very dust: The Root is very long and smal, thrusting down deep into the ground: This hath neither smel nor tast at first, but afterward hath a little astringent tast, without any manifest heat, yet a little bitter and sharp withal. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in dry, sandy, and Rockie places. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It is fresh and green all the Summer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Rupture wort hath not his name in vain, for it is found by experince to cure the Rupture, not only in Children but also in Elder Persons, if the Disease be not too inveterate, by taking a dram of the Pouder of the dried Herb every day in Wine for certain daies together; Or the Decoction made in Wine and drunk: Or the Juyce or distilled water of the green Herb taken in the same manner; and helpeth all other Fluxes either in men or Women; Vomitings also, and the Gonorrhea or running of the Reins, being taken any of the waies aforesaid. It doth also most assuredly help those that have the Strangury, or have their Urine stopped, or are troubed with the Stone or Gravel in their Reins or Bladder. The same also helpeth much all Stitches in the Side, all griping pains in the Stomach or Belly, the Obstructions of the Liver, and cureth the yellow Jaundice likewise: It killeth also the Worms in Children: Being outwardly applied it conglutineth Wounds notably, and helpeth much to stay Defluxions of Rhewm from the Head to the Eyes, Nose, and Teeth, being bruised green and bound thereto; Or the Decoction of the dried Herb, to bath the Forehead and Temples, or the Nape of Neck behind: It also drieth up the moisture of Fistulous Ulcers, or any others that are foul and spreading. They say Saturn causeth Ruptures, if he do, he doth no more than he can cure, if you want wit he will teach you though to your cost, this Herb is Saturns own, and is a notable Antivenerian. |
Edgenote: | Ruptures, Fluxes, Running of the Reins, Strangury, Stone or Gravel, Stitches, Yellow Jaundice, Worms, Wounds, Defluxions, Foul Ulcers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |