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Gelbe Wiesenraute

Thalictrum flavum

Rue (Meadow or Wild)

Planet:   Sonne
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Alte Wunde Stellen Old sores
Öffnet den Körper Open the Body
Läuse und Ungeziefer Lice & Vermine
Pest Plague
Gelbsucht Jaundice

Description: This riseth up with a yellow stringy Root, much spreading in the ground, and shooting forth new sprouts round about, with many Herby green Stalks two foot high, crested all the length of them, set with Joynts here and there, and many large Leavs on them as well as below, being devided into smaller Leavs, nicked or dented in the forepart of them, of a sad green colour on the upperside, and pale green underneath: Toward the top of the Stalk there shooteth forth divers short Branches, on every one thereof there stand two, three, or four smal round Heads or Buttons, which breaking the skin that incloseth them shew forth a tuft of pale greenish yellow threds, which falling away there comes in their place small three cornre'd Cods, wherein is contained smal, long, and round Seed. The whol Plant hath a strong unpleasant scent.
Place: It groweth in many places of this Land; in the Borders of moist Meadows, and by Ditch sides.
Time: It Flowreth about July or the beginning of August.
Use: Dioscorides saith that this Herb bruised and applied perfectly healeth old Sores: and the distilled water of the Herb and Flowers doth the like. It is used by some among other Potherbs to open the Body and make it soluble; but the Roots washed clean, and boyled in Ale and drunk provoketh to the Stool more than the Leavs; but yet very gently. The Root boyled in Water, and the places of the Body most troubled with Vermine or Lice, washed therewith while it is warm, destroyeth them utterly. In Italy it is used against the Plague, and in Saxony against the Jaundice, as Camerarius saith.
Edgenote: Old sores, Open the Body, Lice & Vermine, Plague, Jaundice.

22.12.2024 J.N.