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Rosmarinus officinalis


Planet:   Sonne / Widder
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Erkältungs - Krankheiten Cold Diseases
Schnupfen Rhewm
Verschwommener Kopf swimming of the Head
Trägheit Drowsiness
Dummheit Stupidity
Dumme Lähmungen Dumb Palsey
Trägheit und Epilepsie Lethargy & Falling sickness
Zahnschmerzen Toothach
Mundgeruch stinking breath
Schwaches Gedächtnis Weak Memory
Magen Stomach
Verdauung von Fleisch Retention of Meat
Blähungen Wind
Immobilisation der Leber (Vergrösserte Leber) Liver grown
Getrübtes Sehvermögen Dim sight
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Seuchen Pestilence
Weissfluss Whites in Women
Husten Cough
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
oder Tuberkulose or Consumption
Empfindungslose Gelenke benummed Joynts
Flecken und Narben auf der Haut spots and scars in the Skin

Description: Our Garden Rosemary is so well known, that I need not here describe it.
Place: Garden
Time: It Flowreth in April and May with us, and somtimes again in August.
Use: It is an Herb of as great use with us in these daies, as any whatsoever, not only for Physical but Civil purposes. The Physical use of it (being my present Task) is very much, both for inward and outward Diseases; For by the warming and comforting heat thereof it helpeth all cold Diseases, both of the Head, Stomach, Liver, and Belly. The Decoction thereof in Wine helpeth the cold Distillations of Rhewm into the Eyes, and all other cold Diseases of the Head and Brain, as the Giddiness or swimming therein, Drowsiness, or Dulness of the mind and senses, like a stupidness, the dumb Palsey, or loss of speech, the Lethargy, and Falling-sickness, to be both drunk and the Temples bathed therewith. It helpeth the pains in the Gums and Teeth, by Rhewm falling into them, or by putrefaction causing an evil smel from them, or a stinking Breath. It helpeth a weak Memory, and quickneth the Senses. It is very comfortable to the Stomach in all the old Griefs thereof, helping both retention of meat, and digestion, the Decoction or Pouder being taken in Wine: It is a Remedy for the windiness in the Stomach or Bowels, and expelleth it powerfully, as also Wind in the Spleen. It helpeth those that are Livergrown, by opening the Obstructions thereof. It helpeth dim Eyes, and procureth a cleer sight, the Flowers thereof being taken all the while it is Flowring, every morning fasting with bread and Salt. Both Dioscorides and Galen say, That if a Decoction be made thereof with Water and they that have the yellow Jaundice do exercise their Bodies presently after the taking thereof, it will certainly cure it: The Flowers and the Conserve made of them, is singular good to comfort the Heart, and to expel the contagion of the Pestilence; to burn the Herb in Houses and Chambers correcteth the Air in them: Both the Flowers and the Leavs are very profitable for Women that are troubled with the Whites, if they be daily taken. The dried Leavs shred smal and taken in a Pipe like as Tobacco is taken, helpeth those that have any Cough or Phtisick, or Consumption, by warming and drying the thin Distillations which caus those Diseases. The Leavs are much used in Bathings, and made into Oyntments or Oyls, is singular good to help cold benummed Joynts, Sinews, or Members. The Chimical Oyl drawn from the Leavs and Flowers, is a Soveraign help for all the Diseases aforesaid; to touch the Temples and Nostrils with two or three drops, for all the Diseases of the Head and Brains spoken of before; as also to take a drop two or three as the caus requireth for the inward griefs, yet must it be done with Descretion, for it is very quick and piercing, and therefore but a very little must be taken at a time. There is also another Oyl made by insolation in this manner: Take what quantity you will of the Flowers, and put them into a strong Glass close stopped, tie a fine linnen cloth over the Mouth, and turn the Mouth down into another strong Glass, which being set in the Sun, an Oyl will distill down into the lower Glass, to be preserved as precious for divers uses, both inward and outward as a Sovereign Balm to heal the Diseases before mentioned, to cleer a dim sight, and to take away spots, marks and scars in the skin.
The Sun claims Priviledg in it and 'tis under the Coelestial Ram.
Edgenote: Cold Diseases, Rhewm, swimming of the Head, Drowsiness, Stupidity, Dumb Palsey, Lethargy & Falling sickness, Toothach, stinking breath, Weak Memory. Stomach, Retention of Meat, Wind, Liver grown, Dim sight, Yellow Jaundice, Pestilence, Whites in Women, Cough, Phtisick, or Consumption, benummed Joynts, spots and scars in the Skin.

22.12.2024 J.N.