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(Rundblättriger) Sonnentau

Drosera (rotundifolia)

Sun Dew

Planet:   Sonne / Krebs
Energie: extrem heiss und extrem trocken

Ausscheidungen of Schnupfen Distillations of Rhewm
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
Keuchen Wheesings
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of breath
Husten Cough
Lungengeschwüre Ulcers in the Lungs
Beruhigt das Herz Comfort the Heart
Erzeugt Blasen Raise Blisters
Leidenschaften des Herzens Passions of the Heart

Description: This hath diverse smal round hollow Leavs, somwhat greenish, but full of certain red hairs, which makes them seem red, every one standing upon its own Footstalk, reddish hairy likewise. The Leavs are continualty moist in the hottest day, yea the hotter the Sun shines on them the moister they are, with a certain sliminess that will ripe (as we say) the smal hairs alwaies holding this moisture: Among these Leavs rise up small slender stalks, reddesh also, three or four fingers high, bearing diverse smal white Knobs one above another which are the Flowers, after which in the Heads are certain smal Seeds. the Root is a few small hairs.
Place: It groweth usually on Bogs, and in wet places, and somtimes in moist Woods.
Time: It Flowreth in June, and then the Leavs are fittest to be gathered.
Use: Rosa Solis is accounted good to help those that have salt Rhewm distilling on their Lungs which breedeth a Consumption, and therfore the Distilled water thereof in Wine is held fit and profitable for such to drink, which Water will be of a gold yellow colour: The same Water is held to be good for all other Diseases of the Lungs, as Phtisicks, Wheesing, shortness of Breath, or the Cough; as also to heal the Ulcers that happen in the Lungs, and it comforteth the Heart and fainting Spirits; The Leavs outwardly applied to the Skin will raise Blisters, which hath caused some to think it, dangerous to be taken inward; but there are other things which will also draw Blisters, yet nothing dangerous to be taken inwardly. There is an usual Drink made hereof with Aqua vitae and Spices frequently, and without any offence or danger, but to good purpose used in qualms and passions of the Heart.
The Sun rules it, and 'tis under the Sign Cancer.
Edgenote: Distillations of Rhewm, Phtisick, Wheesings, Shortness of breath, Cough, Ulcers in the Lungs, Comfort the Heart, Raise Blisters. Passions of the Heart.

22.12.2024 J.N.