Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 WINTER ROCKET, or CRESSES


Winterkresse, Barbarakraut

Barbarea vulgaris

Rocket (Winter)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Häufiger Harndrang Strangury
Griess im Urin und Steine Gravel & Stone
Skorbut Scurvy
Wunden Wounds
Geschwüre Ulcers
Wunde Stellen & Sores

Description: Winter Rocket, or Winter Cresses, hath diverse somwhat large sad green Leavs lying upon the ground, torn or cut into divers parts, somwhat like unto Rocket, or Turnep Leavs with smaller pieces next the bottom, and broad at the ends which so abide all Winter (if it spring up in Autumn, when it is used to be eaten) from among which riseth up divers smal round Stalks full of branches, bearing many smal yellow Flowers of four Leavs apiece, after which come smal long Pods with reddish Seed in them: The Root is somwhat stringy, and perisheth every yeer after the Seed is ripe.
Place: It groweth of its own accord in Gardens and Fields by the way sides in diverse places, and particularly in the next Pasture to the Conduit-Head behind Grayes-Inne that brings Water to Mr. Lamb's Conduit in Holbourn.
Time: It Flowreth in May, and Seedeth in June, and then perisheth.
Use: This is profitable to provoke Urine, and helpeth the Strangury, and to expel Gravel and the Stone; It is also of good effect in the Scurvy: It is found by experience to be a singular good Wound Herb, to clense inward Wounds, the Juyce or Decoction being drunk, or outwardly applied to wash foul Ulcers and Sores, clensing them by sharpness, and hindring or abating the dead Flesh from growing therein and healing them by the drying quality.
Edgenote: Strangury, Gravel & Stone, Scurvy, Wounds, Ulcers, & Sores.

22.12.2024 J.N.