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Eruca sativa

Rocket (Garden)

Planet:   Mars
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Fördert Sperma und Geschlechtsverkehr Increaseth Sperm & Venery
Hilft der Verdauung Helps Digestion
provoziert Urin Provokes Urine
Schlangenbisse und weitere Biting of Serpents &c
Husten bei Kindern Cough in Children
Fördert Milch Increaseth Milk
Reinigt das Gesicht Clenseth the Face
Narben Scars
Blaue Flecken Blue Spots
Male von Pocken Marks of smal Pox

Description: In regard the garden Rocket is rather used as a Sallet Herb than to any Physical purposes. I shall omit it, and only speak of the common wild Rocket: The Description whereof take as followeth.
The comon wild Rocket, hath longer and narrower Leavs much more devided into slender cuts and jags on both sides of the middle Rib, than the Garden kinds have, of a sad or verworn green colour, from among which riseth up divers still Stalks two or three foot high, sometimes set with the like Leavs but smaller, and smaller upwards, branched from the middle into divers stiff Stalks, bearing sundry yellow Flowers on them made of four Leavs apiece, as the others are, which afterwards yield smal reddish Seed, in smal long Pods, of a more bitter and hot biting tast than the Garden kinds, as the Leavs are also.
Place: It is found wild in divers places of this Land.
Time: It Flowreth about June and July, and the Seed is ripe in August.
Use: The Wild Rocket is more strong and effectual to encreas Sperm and Venerous qualities, whereunto also the Seed is more effectual than the Garden kinds: It serveth also to help Digestion and provoketh Urine exceedingly. The Seed is used to cure the bitings of Serpents, the Scorpion, and the Shrew-Mouse, and other Poysons, and expelleth Worms and other noisom Creatures that breed in the Body. The Herb boyled or stewed, and some Sugar put there to, helpeth the Cough in Children being taken often. The Seed also taken in drink taketh away the ill scent of the Armpits, encreaseth Milk in Nurses, and wasteth the Spleen. The Seed mixed with Honey, and used on the face, clenseth the Skin from Spots, Morphew and other discolourings therein: and used with Vinegar taketh away Freckles and redness in the Face or other parts, and with the Gall of an Ox, it amendeth foul Scars, black and blew Spots, and the marks of the smal Pox.
The wild Rockets are forbidden to be used alone in regard their sharpness fumeth into the Head, causing ach and pain therein: and are no less hurtful to hot and Chollerick persons, for fear of inflaming their Blood, and therfore for such we may say, a little doth but a little harm. For angry Mars rules them, and he somtimes will be testy when he meets with Fools.
Edgenote: Increaseth Sperm & Venery, Helps Digestion, Provokes Urine, Biting of Serpents &c , Cough in Children, Increaseth Milk, Clenseth the Face, Scars, Blue Spots, Marks of smal Pox.

22.12.2024 J.N.