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REST-HARROW, or CAMMOAK | |||||||||||||||
HauhechelOnonis spinosaRest HarrowPlanet: Merkur
Stichworte: |
Description: | The common Rest-Harrow riseth up with divers rough woody twigs, half a yard, or a yard high, set at the Joynts without order, with little roundish Leavs somtimes more than two or three at a place, of a dark green colour, without thorns while they are yong, but afterwards armed in sundry places with short and sharp Thorns. The Flowers come forth at the tops of the twigs and Branches whereof it is ful, fashioned like Peas, or Broom Blossoms, but lesser, flatter, and somwhat closer, of a faint purplish colour; after which come smal Pods, containing smal, flat, and round Seed: The Root is blackish on the outside and whitish within, very tough and hard to break when it is fresh and green, and as hard as an Horn when it is dried, thrusting down deep into the ground, and spreading likewise, every piece being apt to grow again if it be left in the ground. | ||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in many places of this Land, as well in the Arable as wast ground. | ||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth about the beginning or middle of July, and the Seed is ripe in August. | ||||||||||||||
Use: | It is singular good to provoke Urine when it is stopped, and to break and drive forth the Stone, which the Pouder of the Bark of the Root taken in Wine performeth effectually. Mathiolus saith, the same helpeth the Disease called Hiernia Carnosa, the Fleshy Rupture by taking the said Pouder for some Months together constantly, and that it hath cured some which seemed incurable by any other means than by cutting or burning. The Decoction thereof made with some Vinegar and gargled in the Mouth, easeth the Toothach, especially when it comes of Rhewm; and the said Decoction is very powerful to open Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, and other parts. A Distilled Water made in Balneo Mariae with four pound of the Roots hereof first sliced smal, and afterwards steeped in a Gallon of Canary Wine, is singular good for all the purposes aforesaid and to clens the passages of the Urine. The Pouder of the said Root made into an Electuary or Lozenges with Sugar: as also the Bark of the fresh Roots boyled tender and afterwards beaten into a Conserve with Sugar, worketh the like effect. The Pouder of the Roots strewed upon the Brims of Ulcers, or mixed with any other convenient thing and applied consumeth the hardness and causeth them to heal the better. |
Edgenote: | Urine stopped, Stone, Fleshy Rupture, Toothach, Liver & Spleen Obstructed, Ulcers. | ||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |