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RATTLE-GRASS | |||||||||||||||
KlappertopfRhinanthusRattle GrassPlanet: Mond
Stichworte: |
Description: | Of this there are two kinds, which I shall speak of, Viz. The Red and yellow. The common red Rattle, hath sundry reddish hollow Stalks, and somtimes green rising from the Root, lying for the most part on the ground, yet some growing more upright, with many smal reddish or greenish Leavs set on both sides of a middle Rib finely dented about the edges: The Flowers stand at the tops of the Stalks and Branches, of a fine purplish red colour, like smal gaping hoods, after which come flat blackish Seed in small Husks, which lying loos therein, will Rattle with shaking. The Root consists of two or three small whitish strings, with some fibres thereat. The common Yellow Rattle hath seldom above one round green Stalk rising from the Root, about half a yard or two foot high, and but few Branches theron having two long and somwhat broad Leavs set at a Joynt, deeply cut in on the edges, resembling the Comb of a Cock, broadest next to the Stalk and smaller to the end: The Flowers grow at the tops of the Stalks with some shorter Leavs with them, hooded after the same manner that the others are, but of a fair yellow colour in most, or in some paler, and in some more white. The Seed is contained in large Husks, and being ripe will rattle or make a nois with lying loose in them. The Root is small and slender perishing every yeer. |
Place: | They grow in our Meadows and Woods, generally through this Land. | ||||||||||||||
Time: | They are in Flower from Midsummer until August be past somtimes. | ||||||||||||||
Use: | The Red Rattle is accounted profitable to heal up Fistulaes, and hollow Ulcers and to stay the Flux of Humors to them, as also the abundance of Womens Courses, or any other Flux of Blood, being boyled in red Wine and drunk. The Yellow Rattle or Cocks Comb is held to Be good for those that are troubled with a Cough, or with Dimness of Sight, if the Herb being boyled with Beans, and some Honey put thereto, be drunk, or dropped into the Eyes. The whol Seed being put into the Eyes draweth forth any Skin, Dimness, or Film from the sight without trouble or pain. |
Edgenote: | Fistulaes, & hollow Ulcers, Womens Courses, Fluxes, Cough, Dim Sight. | ||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |