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RAGWORT | |||||||||||||||||||||
GreiskrautSenecio vulgarisCommon ragwort or ragweedPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | The greater common Ragwort hath many large and long dark green Leavs lying on the ground, very much rent and torn on the sides into many pieces, from among which rise up somtimes but one, and sometimes two or three square or crested blackish or brownish Stalks three or four foot high, sometimes branched bearing diverse such like Leavs upon them at several distances unto the tops, where it brancheth forth into many Stalks bearing yellow Flowers, consisting of diverse Leaves set as a Pale or Border, with a dark yellow thrum in the middle, which do abide a great while, but at last are turned into Down, and with the smal blackish gray Seed are carried away with the wind. The Root is made of many Fibres, whereby it is firmly fastned into to the ground, and abideth many yeers. There is another sort hereof different from the former only in this, That it riseth not so nigh; the Leavs are not so finely jagged, not of so dark a green colour, but rather somwhat whitish, soft and woolly, and the Flowers usually paler. |
Place: | They grow both in them wild in Pastures, and untilled grounds in many places, and oftentimes both of them in one Field. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They Flower in June and July, and the Seed is ripe in August. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Ragwort, Clenseth, Digesteth, and Discusseth. The Decoction of the Herb to wash the Mouth or Throat that have Ulcers or Sores therein; and for Swellings, hardness, or Impostumations, for it throughly clenseth and healeth them; as also the Quinsie and the Kings Evil: It helpeth to stay Catarrhes, thin Rhewms & Defluxions from the Head into the Eyes, Nose, or Lungs. The Juyce is found by experience to be singular good to heal green Wounds, and to clense and heal all old and filthy Ulcers in the Privities and in other parts of the Body; as also inward Wounds and Ulcers, and stayeth the Malignity of fretting or running Cankers and hollow Fistulaes, not suffering them to spread further. It is also much commended to help Aches and pains either in the Fleshy parts or in the Nervs and Sinews; as also the Sciatica, or pain of the Hips or Huckle-Bone, to bath the places with the Decoction of the Herb, or to anoint them with an Oyntment made of the Herb bruised and boyled in old Hogs Suet, with some Mastich and Olibanum in Pouder, added unto it after it is strained forth. In Sussex we call it Ragweed. |
Edgenote: | Sore Mouth or Throat, Swellings and Impostumes, Quinsie & Kings Evil, Catarrhs & Defluxions, Green Wounds & Ulcers in the privy Parts, Running Cankers, & hollow Fistulaes, Aches & pains, Sciatica. | ||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |