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Pyrus cydonia

Quince Tree

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und leicht kühl

Ausfluss Fluxes
Durchfall und weitere Lasks &c
Appetitanregend Provoketh Appetite
Stoppt Erbrechen stayeth Vomiting
Ermatteter Geist Fainting Spirits
Galle Choller
Phlegma Flegm
Gift Poyson
Weibliche Brüste Womens Breasts
Pest Plague
Wunde Stellen Sores
Schützt Haare Preserveth Hair

Description: The Ordinary Quince-tree groweth often to the height and bigness of a reasonable Apple tree, but more usually lower and crooked with a rough Bark, spreading Arms and Branches far abroad. The Leavs are somwhat like those of the Apple-tree, but thicker, harder, and fuller of Veins, and white on the under side, not dented at all about the edges. The Flowers are large and white, somtimes dash'd over with a Blush: The Fruit that followeth is yellow, being neer ripe, and covered with a white Freez or Cotton, thick set on the yonger, and growing les as they grow to be through ripe; bunched out often times in some places, some being liker an Apple and some a Pear, of a strong heady scent, and not durable to keep, and is sowr, harsh, and of an unpleasant tast to eat fresh, but being scalded, roasted, baked, or preserved, becometh more pleasant.
Place: It best likes to grow neer Ponds and Water-sides, and is frequent through this Land;
Time: and Flowreth not until the Leavs be come forth. The Fruit is ripe in September or October.
Use: Quince when they are green, helps all sorts of Fluxes in man or Woman, and Chollerick, Lasks, Castings, and whatsoever needeth Astriction more than any way prepared by fire: Yet the Syrup of the Juyce, or the Conserve, are much conducible much of the binding quality being consumed by the fire: If a little Vinegar be added, it stirreth up the languishing Appetite, and the Stomach given to casting; Some Spices being added, it comforteth and strengthneth the decayed and fainting Spirits, and helpeth the Liver oppressed; that it cannot perfect the digestion, and correcteth Choller and Flegm: If you would have them Purging, put Honey to them instead of Sugar; and if more Laxative, for Choller, Rubarb; for Flegm, Turbith; for watery Humors, Scammony, but if more forcibly to bind, use the unripe Quince with Roses, and Acacia, or Hypocistis, and some torrefied Rubarb. To take of the crude Juyce of Quinces, is held a Preservative against the force of deadly poyson; for it hath been found most certain true, that the very smel of a Quince hath taken away all the strength of the Poyson of White Hellebore. If there be need of any outward binding and cooling of any hot Fluxes; The Oyl of Quinces, or other Medicines that may be made thereof are very available to anoint the Belly, or other parts therewith: It likewise strengtheneth the Stomach and Belly, and the Sinews that are loosned by sharp Humors falling on them, and restraineth immoderate sweatings. The Muccilage taken from the Seeds of Quinces boyled a little in Water, is very good to cool the Head and heal the Sore Breasts of Women. The same with a little Sugar is good to lenefie the harshness and hoarsness of the Throat, and roughness of the Tongue. The Cotton or Down of Quinces boyled and applied to Plague Sores, healeth them up; and laid as a Playster made up with Wax, it bringeth hair to them that are bald, and keepeth it from falling if it be ready to shed.
Edgenote: Fluxes, Lasks &c , Provoketh Appetite, stayeth Vomiting, Fainting Spirits, Choller, Flegm, Poyson, Womens Breasts, Plague, Sores, Preserveth Hair.

22.12.2024 J.N.